chapter 5

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so as the house is burning down and the in responsible 'dad' is down the pub Ellie is trying he hardest to get out!  the firemen are pushing the door down, well trying to at least, because mike always locks the door and he has either hidden the key somewhere in the house or has it on him!

Dear diary,

I don't even know the date because mike has lost the key to the attic so I'm stuck up here until he finds the spar one, now that the house is on fire I need to push the door down but I don't have enough strength! maybe if I stay up here a bit longer I might get myself a little bit hurt then mike will really get in trouble and he will have to owe my Dada and the insurance company loads and he doesn't have loads so that will put him in dept and then he will be poor!!  That sounds horrible to me and him but I don't care because he. deserves it the amount he has put me through andddd when my dad finds out about the fire he will come home and in that time I will have proof of abuse marks and stuff o he I'll Deco be out in jail for abuse neglect and loads of a other stuff so in a way this ire is actually good!

End of entry!

the fire is getting louder and Ellie's throat is getting filled up with smoke

so she's finding it hard to talk and the firemen cant hear her over the fire anyway! Will her cunning plan go not so cunningly after all? She could end up vetting really hurt because she's losing all strength and soon enough the building will probably explode!

What is she going to do? her mum I coming back soon! And so is her dad, hopefully! But, will she be around to see them again ? Has mike really gone too far this time?

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