chapter 2

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january 7th 2010

dear, diary

today its my birthday and mums sent me a note it says

hey ellie its mum i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and tell you im coming home soon

love mum (happy birthday number one girl)


yay shes coming home.

i hope its really soon so i can get out of this dump and go and live in my mums 3 storey house and live a life of luxury!


end of entry


so ellies mum will be coming soon but she doesn't know when. life goes on and obviously gets better in the life of ellie.

today ellie found out some wicked news that she going to school! mike thinks that people are getting suspicous about what hes doing so hes sending her to school.

january 8th 2010

dear, diary

today mike told me some wicked news that im going school. im really scared though because i know people will never be my mate because of my look,i look horrible because

A:im soo skinny

B:ive got horrible hair

and C:i absoloutley stink

i hope people dont notice but i suppose its soo bad its really hard to ignore!

past all of that i think it will be ok.

and for seconds my mums coming home in exactly 2 years 4 months and 201 days


end of entry


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