"You sure it's mine?". I scrunched up my face "what do you mean is it yours, your the only person I had sex with and it was that only time when I lost my virginity". Was he trying to call me a hoe or something because why would he even think that. "Look, I'm not trying to hurt you or anything but the next time I was going to see you.. I was going to break up with you" I turned my head "..why?". "I'm not feeling it no more. It's hard around here in Brooklyn ma, my mom barely got money to pay rent that's why I'm in these streets and I ain't got time for no relationship. I gotta' make sure my momma tight and you being pregnant not doing anything but putting more weight on me". I was silent for a bit, "I have no where to go Devin". "Look when my mom get here I'll explain and we'll figure it out".


"Ranae? Ranae?"

"Huh?" I snapped back into reality."Turn on 4". "Ok sorry my bad". "If you want this part, you have to stay focus, now again" she snapped her finger. I was auditioning to be a dancer on Chris Brown's team. Been a dancer for some years now. I went into foster care when I was 16 then started dancing at 17, the family I was with moved to California so that's how I'm here. I left when I was 18 but I still visit them when I have time but right now I was focusing on moving out my apartment into a condo then head for the future.

"Good job Ranae, you never upset me" my choreographer said. I smiled "thanks". Now just 6 more hours to practice since the audition was tomorrow. "Again" she said, ugh.

10 pm

I closed my door taking my shoes off and throwing my bag on the couch. "Shower here I come" I said to myself. I stripped out my clothes and put my phone on charged. I hopped in the shower and threw my head back "yesssss".


I crawled underneath the covers and grabbed my phone to set my alarm. As I was doing that I saw I got a text from Zuri, a girl I danced with when I was taking classes when I was 17. She's like the only friend I have even tho I really didn't get to see her like that anymore.

Zuri- Omg the audition is tomorrow! I already know you gon kill it cuz you so bomb😩 Anywayss Good luck!😘 You got this girl.

Me- Omg thanks Zuri❤️❤️ and I'll try my best

I put my phone back on the charger and dose off to sleep.


Ughhh. I turned my alarm off and laid back down. "Come on Ranae get up, today's your big day" I said to myself. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my phone and went straight into my kitchen to get some cereal. I grabbed a bowl and poured me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milk. My phone started ringing on the counter. I turned around and grabbed it seeing my choreographer Chloe was calling.


Chloe-"Good Morning to one of my favorite dancers"

Me-"Good Morning Chloe" I said putting the milk back in the fridge

Chloe-"Soooo are you excited for today?"

Me-"Of course, I been waiting forever" she chuckled

Chloe-"Ok that's good, see you in the studio in a hour we need to practice one last time"

Me-"Ok see you"

Chloe-"Ok bye bye" she hung up

Lets get this day started


"Next" the lady shouted. "Hi I'm here to audition" she nodded. "Sign in here" she handed me a clipboard to write my name down. "Now proceed to the waiting room where you will be called in a few" "Ok thank you". I walked into the waiting room and it was so pack. "Is this seat taken?" I asked one of the girls "No". I sat down and waited till I was called.

"So you think your going to do good?" The girl next to me said. "Yes" she chuckled. "I like your confidence, I'm Kaitlyn" she put her hand out for me to shake it. "Ranae" "I like your name" "thanks" I smiled. "Can you believe this, the moment we've been waiting for" "I know right" I chuckled. "Do you know he's actually in there?" "Who?" "Chris Brown" "Oh word? That's wassup" she paused. "Are you from New York?" "Yea how you know" I smiled. "Figures, your accent" "Oh, it comes here in there" I laughed, just then a man opened the door "Kaitlyn Crowne?" "That's meee" she got up. "Nice meeting you" she said smiling, "You too, good luck" I said. "You too" she walked out the room. I put my head back and continued to wait.


I was getting piss, I been waiting in here for 3 damn hours and I just wanna go home. It was only me and five more girls left. "Fuck this" I got up grabbing my bag "Ranae Collin" I turned around seeing a lady standing at the door "Your up". I sat my bags back down and followed her. Ok Ranae you got this, do the best you can. I took a deep breath and walked to the center of the floor. I stood there viewing the 4 judges but most importantly Chris Brown, he was cuter in person. "Ranae Collins right?" Chris said, I nodded. "And you sure you a dancer? I think your fit for a model" one of the judges who was a girl said. "Kelly please stop" one of the man judges said. "I mean look at her, big ass, big titties, stomach flat" "Kelly!" She got silent, I kinda chuckled to myself. "Sorry, now show us what you got" Chris said turning all his attention towards me, I nodded. One of his songs started playing and I immediately got into it.

As I was dancing I took a couple glances at the judges to see how their face expressions was but they were all blank. The song cut off as I was dancing. "That's all we needed to see for today, next" the girl said. I nodded and started to walk towards the door, I took a glance at chris and saw he was looking at me with a smirk on his face. I smiled looking down and continued to walk. I grabbed my bags and walk out the building to my car. I was worried, worried that I didn't do so good but we'll see if I'll get the call.


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