4 // What about Harry?

Start from the beginning

"No I'm not?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Yes you are, you're coming to my party" At this point Harry had a huge grin on his face, it wasn't a happy grin either. More like a smug grin.

"I don't do parties Harry, so no I won't be coming" I smiled at him.

"I'll tell Mr Wilson you're a shit tutor. You won't gain anymore credit" I felt my stomach drop at this. He wouldn't do that, right?

"Are you being serious?! Just because I don't want to go to your party and get drunk?" I pointed my finger and it hit his chest.

"Feisty. I like it" he pushed past me and started walking away. "Oh don't worry Olivia, Louis will be there too" I heard him laugh a little.

What have I got myself in for now?


It got to around 3pm on Saturday and I was sat in my room debating whether or not to start getting ready. I couldn't believe that Harry was going to blackmail me into going.

I heard a knock at my door and I walked over and opened it, revealing one of my girl best friends, Emily.

Now Emily knew how to party, she knew everything about parties, from how to dance to what to wear, what to drink, how to flirt etc.

She was wearing a black skin tight dress which came just above her knee and clung to her body. Her dark brown hair was slightly curled, and fell down to her sides.

"Hey Emz, why are you here?" I walked back over to my bed, hearing Emily shut the door behind her.

"Because you have a party to go too" she said excitedly.

"I don't want to go" I sighed and threw myself back onto my bed.

"Tough. Harry came up to me and told me that you have to go no matter what, he also said-"

"Wait, he told you that?!" I sat straight back up, annoyed with the fact that Harry was making a fool out of me.

"Yeah, he told me. No one else I don't think.. But anyway, he also gave me this red dress for you to wear, it's actually really nice. He told me you have to wear it. Oh and I have to do your make up and hair.." She passed me the dress.

"He's treating me like a fucking doll? This is so not fair! Why would he even do this to me? First he blackmails me, now he's telling me to wear this dress" I began pacing around the room.

"Liv, stop. Look, just go for two hours or something? Make sure you've seen Harry, spent some time with him and then we'll come back home. How does that sound?" Emily pulled me into a hug, clearly realising I was stressed.

"Can we order pizza?"

"Anything for you. Now c'mon, we need to get you ready!" Emily grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.


I gulped another shot down, feeling the burn on my throat. The crowd around me cheered, only making me feel better about myself.

I pushed through the group of people and began walking around my house, seeing who was actually here. The house was packed, there was atleast 500, infact probably more people at this party.

"Hey Harry" Louis tapped me on my arm smiling.

"Hey, is she here yet?" I kept looking around.

"No, not yet I don't think" Louis raised an eyebrow. He didn't know why Olivia was coming, he just thought Emily was dragging her a long.

"Oh.. Alright.."

I stood next to Louis in silence, he drank his beer, I looked around the room. If she didn't show I would tell Mr Wilson, I loved blackmailing people. It's probably one of the best things I'm good at.

"Hey Harry" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Olivia's voice.

I quickly turned and saw that she was stood next to me. She was wearing the tight fitted dress which looked perfect with her figure. With her hair straightened and having make up on, she looked completely different. She looked sexy.

"Oh.. Hey Olivia" I scratched the back of my head nervously.

I looked at Emily who was stood behind Olivia, she looked at Olivia before winking at me, knowing that she'd done a good job.

"Nice house" Olivia looked around the room, totally oblivious to the fact that people around us were checking her out.

"Thanks, want a drink?"

She nodded. I made my way to the kitchen, with Louis by my side and both of the girls following behind him.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Can I get your number?"

"What about a threesome tonight?"

Voices called out towards the girls, desperate drunk guys wanting sex. Typical.

I felt myself becoming more annoyed, especially with the type of idiots that attended my parties sometimes. I turned and put my arm around Olivia's waist, showing that she was with me. She jumped at the gesture, before looking up at me and smiling.

She was so innocent to her surroundings.



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Love SR X

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