Chapter 10: I Choose You

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Juliets POV:
Georgia? He was filming in Georgia? Like the Georgia thats seven hundred miles from New York? No, we were finally together and he was just going to leave?

I looked down, to embarrassed to look him in the eye. I could feel the lump in my throat forming and my eyes were starting to burn. Do not cry. Do not cry. Don't fucking dare cry in front of him again. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. It's okay Juliet, he'll just be filming a few days, right?

Wrong. So wrong. You've never been more wrong in your life dumbass.

My eyes were still glued to the floor when he began talking again. "I hate leaving like this...I mean we have four more days together and Jeffrey told me to tell you earlier but I didn't wanna fuck our relationship up. It's kinda hard though, I ruin everything. I'm sorry Juliet."

I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything. I was pretty sure he was crying too because his voice kept cracking. "JJ..." His voice cracked again. "Please look at me doll."

Slowly I showed him my tomatoe red, tear streaked face. I didn't dare look him in the eyes but instead kept my eyes fixated on his chest. He must've been lost for words too because be just pulled me into his chest. I kept my left hand at my side and my right hand was covering my face. I couldn't stop sniffling and I could feel his shirt becoming wet from my salty tears. His head was sideways ontop of mine and he was rubbing my back.

I finally got the courage to say something even though I knew my voice was going to crack. "How long...I mean how long are you gonna..."

"Filming usually lasts about seven months." SEVEN MONTHS. Did I hear that right? I thought I was going to pass out right there in his living room. There was no way he was just gonna leave me for seven months. Would he?

I probably sounded like a baby when I started crying. You know that really annoying, high pitch crying? Norman didn't seem to mind or at least he acted like he didn't. "Shhh it's okay baby. I'm still here. Hey, it's gonna be alright." I pushed away from him and looked him in the eyes, not even thinking about the words flying out of my mouth.

"No! It's not okay and it's not gonna be alright! How could you hurt me like this? Why would you make me care about you for you to just run off and forget about me!" He started to say something but I just kept on talking right through him. "I hate you for doing this. I HATE YOU! I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate you for making me fall, making me care..." My voice went into just above a whisper. "I hate you for making me love you." I sniffled one more time. Norman stood there, I wasn't sure what the look on his face was saying but he just looked stunned. "I'm sorry, I need to leave." I mumbled, pushing past him. I grabbed Normans jacket on accident but I still put it around me. I didn't even care at that point. "Juliet." He insisted. I opened the door but Norman just shut it in return. "Juliet wait." He sounded almost hurt. I turned around for the last time. "Norman when I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When you kissed me, I was afraid of falling for you. Now that I love you... I'm scared of losing you."

"JJ, I chose to love you and I'll keep on choosing you. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I'll always chose you. And no I'm not going to lose feelings when I leave. No, I'm not gonna find someone better. No, I'm not gonna cheat on you. And I'll never, ever leave you. I've already made up my mind, I want you and only you because you're not just another woman Juliet, you are the love of my life." 

A small smile formed on his lips before he finished talking. "Sometimes I look at you and  wonder how I got so damn lucky." He pulled me into a hug and asked me a question. "Please JJ, please can we try to make this work?" I used Normans jacket sleeve to wipe away my tears as I looked at him. I managed a nod and his smile grew even bigger. "I love you Juliet Garcia. I really do."

"I love you Norman."


We had been sitting on the couch for a while just watching movies and talking. It felt like the first night we spent together over again.

"I'm gonna miss you Norman." I spoke into his shirt. He kissed my head again before talking. "I'm gonna miss you everyday I'm gone but I promise you I will come visit you every weekend I'm off, I love you doll." I smiled brightly as I turned my attention back to our movie. I don't remember falling asleep but the next thing I knew I was in bed next to Norman. He was laying on his side, his arm wrapped around me tightly. I kept still, scared I would wake him. I laid there until the I could see the morning light just soaking in everything. I knew I only had two more nights to spend with him so I wanted to make them count. I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation from earlier.

I love you Juliet Garcia, you're the love of my life, I'll always chose you. I'm not gonna find someone better.

I was falling for a man and there was nothing for me to hold on to.

Yo doods how was your weekend? I hyper extended my finger & I have a really big softball game tmr so I doubt I'll even be able to play. On the bright side we only have nine days of school left:) Be ready for lots more chapters in the summer & a new Jeffrey Dean Morgan story;) Have a good week babes
norman kisses

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