"Like..."He held up 4 fingers, "Six..." He giggled. Harry gets drunk pretty easily not as easy as me i've only had one and i feel tipsy, but im working of of one kidney here. 

"He's fine dude! Let him have a good time!" Zayn leaned over Harry and stuck his alcohol smelling face too close to mine.

"Niall you ready to go?" I looked over at Niall who nodded and took my hand leading me out of the pub. "Do you think Harry is...Okay?" 

Niall bleched hitting his fist to his chest, "No i do not. I think he's losing his mind over yet another girl i think she needs to go."

"Yeah she can't hang around to much longer she's really going to pull us apart." I felt awful saying that but it had to be said. She couldn't stay around with out either breaking Harry's or Louis' heart. 

"Wait you want me to kill her?" Niall looked confused and horrified all at the same time.

"Oh god no, I mean just tell her to go home." 

"Oh okay." Niall smiled up at me, and i remembered why i love Danielle, even though i've wvered it just is always the two of us together no third to second guess us. Well Niall is pretty close to that but c'mon he's adorable.

Bridget's P.O.V.

"Lou where are you taking me?" Louis pulled me along.

"Wait come here." He placed me infront of him and covered my eyes. "Okay step forward." He lead me forward maybe four or five feet before he dropped him hands to his sides. 

"A playground." my smile was put on hold, "Why'd you bring me here?" 

"Why not." He smiled big and lead me to the swing set, sitting on one and i sat on the other. "I used to come here all the time with Harry." He stood up and pushed me swinging back and forth like a clock. 

Once he was on the other one, I jumped off landing on my stomach. "Bridget!" He jumped off and ran to my side.

"Why did i think that was a good idea?" I laughed and pushed myself onto my arms. Louis layed down next to me. "Why do you like me?" It was an odd question to ask but im always curious about what makes a guy like the mess that people call Bridget Greene. 

"Do you really want to ask me that?" He laughed, inching closer ot me.

"What's so funny?" 

"You have sand on your nose." He wiped off the sand slowly with his pinkie, and inched closer once more. 

You know that Moment? Before you kiss someone, that moment of hesitation? I have never had that with Louis. 

Harry's P.O.V.

"Zayn....Z...I thin tha I hould go hom now." after 8 beers i still had enough brain cells to put together an almost proper sentence. I tapped Zayn's shoulder but he was to distracted by the two girls standing infront of him.

"Yeah have fun Harry call me when you get to Nandos." With Zayn otherwise occupied I left alone, but not for the front door. My first stop was the bathroom.

As I pucked out my guts ad almost a full keg of beer. I stared into the toilet almost forgetting why I came to the pub inthe first place. 

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "You okay in there?" The door sqeaked open and a girl with dark blonde hair and black eyes walked into the bathroom.

"I'm fine i just need to get.....Blech!....Home." She giggled at my barfing noises. 

"Alright let's get you out of here." She helped me to my feet and carried me out to her car. "Your Harry right? Harry Styles?" 

"Yes i am and you are?" I giggled inbetween words.

"the Girl whose been handing you drinks all night. Hannah." She giggled, "Uh Harry? you've got barf on your top." I looked down at me white T and rubbed alittle bit of vomit that escaped the toilet off of me.

She then helped me into the car and drove me home. I mumbled the words to a few songs in attempt to stop the awkward silences, but my head pounded everytime anyn noise came from my mouth. 

"Alright, Let's get you inside." Hannah opened the door and tripped over her own feet, both of us hitting the floor. "Ow!" she giggled, "Harry are you alright?" 

"I will be once im sober." I laughed and stumbled to my feet. 

"Why don't we get you Into bed." She pulled my arm over her shoulder and helped me to my room. After tucking me in she sat on the edge of the bed. "You gonna be okay when i leave i have to get back to work." 

"Hannah, what are we doing? We're both attracted to eachother, we're both drunk- Half of us anyway. why don't we just have a good time?" 

"I think that's the beer talking, and a tiny bit of scotch."

"I didn't order a scotch." 

"Yeah your friend Zayn told be to slip some in your beer. Hoping it would get you drunker." He giggled and stood up. 

"You laugh cute." I smiled up at her.

"Thank you im sure you'd be cuter if you weren't about to barf all over yourself." She slipped away and through the door of my bedroom with out so much as a good-bye. 

But i did acomplish something tonight. I haven't thought of Bridget since she left.

Bridget's P.O.V. 

"Lou that was really fun, I'm glad we can do stuff like that." 

"Me too." He pressed his soft lips against mine before opening the door to his home. Inside it was quiet, with nothing but a few coats on the ground. 

"Did Harry bring a girl here?" I never thought of this, getting jealous and worried about Harry. 

"Oh no he was puking in my bar so i brought him home." A medium height Blonde girl with Dark eyes walked out in a Bartender Uniform. "I hope that's okay. I'm Hannah." She smiled at us and Louis wved back, i didn't make a move. It was like trying to scare off a dinosaur.  "Wait...You must be Bridget. Yeah i know you, well nice to meet you guys i gotta get back to the bar." She shuffled out the door and out into the driveway. and then she was gone, 

It wasn't a feeling i could understand really it wasn't hatred it was more....Jealousy. 

yeah that's the word jealousy....shit, it is jealousy.

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