19 werewolves and vamprie dont mix

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Someone was talking, "Time to get up sunshine." I grumbled holding the person tighter. He chuckled and said, "You need to go eat dinner.

I kissed his neck and said, "And if I want to eat you." he chuckled and said, "That sounds so wrong."

I blushed and sat up and said, "Not like that." he chuckled kissing me and said, "I know but get up and eat dinner I’ll see you later."

I smiled and said, "Ok bye." I gave him a kiss before brushing my hair and teeth quickly and walked down stairs, the guys were sitting and chatting,

I sat with dinner and they said hi but went back to talking Ryan was ignoring me then seen said, "Are our u really taking a vampire to the dance."

I nodded eating and said, "Why." he shrugged and Xavier said, "I have a vampire date." I smirked and said, "See it’s not that bad."

He shrugged and said, "Maybe but I never thought I would go on a date with a vampire." I giggled shrugging and said, "You never know."

Dinner ended and they were so excited but didn’t want vampires date, I didn’t get why. I took a quick run then headed upstairs and was sweaty I headed straight to the shower and closed and locked the door I stripped to my bra and undies and turned the shower on while it was warming up I brushed my teeth and hair then stripped and hopped in.

I took a quick shower and felt so much better. I climbed out ringing my hair and wrapping a towel around my body, my body was dry and I walked out and a second later I was pinned against the wall with Damien kissing me hard.

I didn’t have time to register what happed and ended up kissing back and my grip on the towel loosened and dropped.

I tangled my fingers in his hair he pushed his hips against mine and I realized I was naked in front of him I tilted his head up fast he said, "Um why are you doing that."

I bit my lip and said, "I dropped my towel now close your eyes." he hesitated before closing his eyes I quickly grabbed my towel blushing and moved passed him getting bra and undies, I went to the bathroom and he was watching me with a smile.

I was still blushing and I changed coming out and he was sitting on my bed and looked over my body and stood up blocking my way to closet, I bit my lip and slid my hands up his shirt he let me pull it off then I pulled it on me.

I grinned and he scowled then took a step back looking over me and was grinning and said, "I was right."

I blushed he chuckled kissing me and I scratched my nails down to his chest and slid my fingers in his pants a little and pulled him against me he moaned grabbing my hips and lifted me up I wrapped my legs around him he sat on the bed and I could feel his friend.

I breathed braking away and bit his lip he moaned and said, "Tease." I grinned and said, "No a tease is this."

I rubbed hard on his friend and his hands clenched my shirt and he rubbed up into my area, I blushed slightly but moaned, he chuckled kissing my neck, his teeth skimmed my neck I held his hair tight and he slowly pressed his fangs into my neck.

I bit my lip moaning and he held me close rubbing while drinking, he unbutton his pants shifting and slid them off so I was pressed against his large lump. He moaned rubbing and pulled his shirt off retracting his fangs from my skin for a moment before they healed over he put them back sucking.

after our fun I was completely drained of energy but Damien was beaming with happiness and also gave off a warm glow almost, I curled in my bed and he kissed my neck holding me close and said, "Sorry I took more blood I just... just imagine if I was made of chocolate."

I licked my lips he said, "You would want a taste ever time we made out and every time we kiss it is just a small taste that makes me crazy."

I smirked and yawned and said, "Too bad so sad."

He licked my neck and said, "Not too bad but it is sad." I rolled and cuddled to him and he kissed my head and said, "Goodnight."

I grinned and said, "Goodnight."


A couple days passed and it was time for the dress and I told Damien to wait for me in the ball room the dance started at 8 and it was 5 right now.

I had no girlfriends to pick out my outfit, I got in the shower shaving and brushed my teeth twice then brushed my hair blow drying it so it was shiny and I let my hair go curly and pinned it back so it looked pretty.

I walked out and noticed Stacy looking at my closet and there was a blue sparkly dress on my bed I said, "What are you doing."

she turned and said, "Oh I came to tell you I was leaving but noticed you didn’t pick anything out so I picked out the cutest a little sexy but not slutty."

I eyed the pretty blue dress then grabbed it siding it over my strapless bra and undies, I grinned spinning, it was perfect, it went into a slant off one shoulder and went up my thigh a bit. She passed me silver heels and walked away, I fixed my shoes and she came back with makeup.

I tried to refuse but she just ignored I let her telling her if I looked sultry I would wipe it off well she put a little concealed on with mascara and eyeliner with eye shadow and gloss and glitter and put it in my hair.

she stepped back and I looked in the mirror, I gaped I didn’t even look like myself, I looked beautiful, I looked over myself, I looked awesome, I giggled and hugged her and said, "This is awesome. Thank you so much."

She nodded and said, "Well my work is done I will see you later." I nodded waving I touched my neck and realized I didn’t have any jewelry, wait the box when I first came here, I went into my closet it was still there I grabbed it going to my room I opened it up and saw a sapphire necklace and earrings I put them on they matched perfectly.

I breathed and checked myself and headed to the ball room. I walked carefully and strong, I saw some girls they gapped at me, I smiled looking down I felt like Cinderella I passed some guys they gawked.

I walked to the doors and breathed smiling and walked in people were already dancing but it turned to a slow song, I didn’t know how but just like the movies everyone turned toward me even the adults, I looked around for Damien, a guy asked for me to dance I shook my head.

I wanted to dance with Damien, I turn and nearly trip but an arm wrapped around my waist I giggle looking at Damien,

He smiled letting me stand and took a step back and said, "You look beautiful." I blushed and said, "You look handsome."

He groaned and said, "Ugh I know girls won’t leave me alone." I giggled and noticed everyone watching us.

He smiled pulling me close and I saw Jamie go to the do and said something then the music changed to a waltz. Damien said, "Do you know how."

I blushed and nodded he chuckled pulling me close, the music started and he held my hand and we did the steps and spinning, I took waltz when I was in school I thought it would be fun.

He was smiling softly as me as we spun and every time we did I noticed my bracelet jingled and since we were touching each other and it was dim lights our purple necklaces shined, he spun me as the song ended and dipped me.

he helped me up and everyone erupted into claps I blush hiding in his chest, he chuckled kissing my forehead and a freak song went on, I grinned and we started dancing and he whispered, "We have more fun."

I blushed looking down and he chuckled holding me close and we moved to the song, I wanted our relationship to be public I wanted everyone to know he was mine.

He had the same look because he held my face softly, he closed his eyes and I couldn’t help but feel everything slow down, my heart speed and touched his cheek and he pressed his lips to mine a soft small wanting kiss.

He slowly moved to the music but he held his lips against mine. I was in pure happiness then...

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