5 werewolves and vampires dont mix

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I slowly opened my eyes to the sun shining on my face I smiled softly looking at my window and noticed it closed and a paper wedged between it.

I grabbed it unfolding it and a smile stretched across my face, it was the drawing of me holding a rose. I grinned he was nice but didn’t talk not as much as I would like him too. I hugged it and put it under my pillow.

I made my bed and got ready for the day in a happy girly mood, I cleaned my room and it was only 7 I brushed my hair and teeth changing into shorts and a tank, I walked out of my room pulling my shoes on.

I skipped to the room and opened the miny fridge it had blood in bottles and some water below it. I grabbed the water chugging it and someone knocked I went and opened it. I smiled at Ryan and said, "Hello."

He smiled and said, "Someone’s early." I nodded and said, "Woke up in a good mood." he chuckled and said, "Cool." I stepped out closing the door and we headed to breakfast I said, "So what today running, playing."

He shook his head and said, "No today we don’t have to do anything it’s only Monday Wednesday and Friday other days we have free."

I frowned and said, "So I woke up for no reason." he grinned and said, "Yep." I glared and said, "I hate my good mood now."

He laughed as we entered the cafeteria, I smiled rolling my eyes as we got breakfast burrito nod he sang, "Beans, beans, what a magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot." I laughed.

The other guys weren’t up yet so it was just us we decided to walk around it was only 8:30. We walked and talked about stuff like if I had a boyfriend or if he was a virgin. Private but yet not so private, we shared like we were good friends though I only known him for a few days.

"June 27 is your birthday." he asked because he asked allot of questions I nodded and said, "And April 2 is yours."

He smiled and nodded and said, "Your birthday is 4 days from now." I nodded and said, "I’m gonna turn 17." he smirked puffing out his chest and said, "I’m older."

I flexed and said, "I’m stronger." he rolled his eyes flicking my little muscle and said, "Yah sure you are."

I shoved him and he laughed was only playing he nudged me and said, "Xavier and them are over there." I turned and saw them sitting and seen was waving us over. I smiled waving we walked I was naturally breathing and a strong smell caught my sense.

I stopped and said, "See you later k." he looked suspicious but nodded heading forward, and I changed direction and followed the waterfall sweet smell.

I was jogging quietly and his smell just became stronger I slowed down and looked for him he was leaning against the tree. I smiled walking softly to him I leaned on the tree and looked at his drawing.

He sniffed and his head lifted looking at me I said, "Hey." he raised an eyebrow and said, "Following me."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Don’t flatter yourself I caught your scent and just wanted to thank you for the drawing of me and the rose that was really sweet of you."

He looked down and said, "Well don’t get used to it." he went back to drawing I squatted next to him watching as he drew lines I looked forward there was just boulders right there. I watched as he drew a wolf with longish hair.

It looked so familiar I touched it and he stopped drawing I pulled back and said, "Sorry forgot you were drawing It." he chuckled going back to drawing it.

I just moved so I was sitting peering over his shoulder watching his gentle soft strokes of the pencil on paper. He suddenly stopped and I looked at it again, it was a wolf howling at moon as it lit up the forest.

I smiled and said, "Beautiful, but why that wolf look familiar." he cleared his throat and said, "Because it's you."

I smiled shaking my head of course it looked familiar, I said, "Does it bug you imp a werewolf." he shook his head turning the page of his notebook.

He fixed it and said, "No because you don’t smell like wet dog." I giggled and said, "Thanks." he nodded and started back to drawing, I quietly watched and he suddenly stopped and said, "No offence but why are you still here."

I was little offended and stood up and said, "Sorry I will leave." turned and started walking away sad, he flashed in front of me with his hand up and said, "I didn’t say you should leave I was just wondering because you seem like the person to have lots of friends."

I bit my lip and said, "I do but I liked it here, but since you don’t..." I moved around him and kept walking he sighed I looked at my feet and crashed into something, I was about to feel stupid for crashing into a tree but this tree had a heart beat.

My forehead remade on his chest I said, "What." he said, "I didn’t want you to leave." I looked up and it reminded me of when I saw him in the library.

He locked gazes with me I stared into his blue eyes he looked over my face then my neck and to my eyes again. He said, "Don’t go, please."

I chewed my cheek and said, "Fine." he grinned and said, "Don’t be so down." I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit because he was trying to joke. He led me back to the tree and leaned against it I said, "Why do you want me to stay?"

That caught him completely off guard, he said, "I uh I asked you to stay because... because I was bored." I narrowed my eyes and he gave me a grimaced.

His left eye twitched slightly I said, "Your lying." he rubbed his neck and said, "No." his eye twitched again I smirked and said, "Yes."

He grumbled something and said, "I asked to stay because you’re the first girl that isn’t all over me."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "So because imp not all over you, you want me to stay." he nodded I watched his eyes carefully, no twitching. I started laughing and he scowled I held it in and said, "You like me as a friend because I don’t like you like that."

He sighed and sad, "I don’t get what's so funny." I did a poker face but a little smile peaked out then it stretched and I giggled.

He sighed and said, "I knew it would be a mistake." I fake gasped and said, "Why how could you say that, after all we been through."

His lips twitched and said, "Yes so much." I giggled and leaned against the tree I said, "I never got your name."

He pursed his lips and said, "Why should I tell you." I noticed he set his book down between us, I quickly grabbed it jumping up and about 10 feet away he watched as I put it in my shirt he was confused, a weird look, and chuckled.

werewolves and vampires don't mix Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ