Start from the beginning

I grinned idiotically. I was having an absolute blast! I loved the thrill, the feel of my angelic grace running through my veins. But it was dangerous; my thirst for adventure was dangerous.

I allowed my angelic grace to take full control of my body. I felt the familiar feeling of pure and utter power coursing through my bones. I could feel my eyes start to change color, soon my eyes were an extremely bright blue almost white color.

 I could feel my eyes start to change color, soon my eyes were an extremely bright blue almost white color

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Turning around I smirked at my army of pursuers. I couldn't help but laugh at expressions; both shock and fear shone in there eyes. Not even a second later I watched as everyone started to run in the opposite direction without even firing so much as one more arrow.

"Wimps." I scoffed under my breathe at the retreating guards.

With a roll of my eyes I greeted the familiar pull of my body as I travelled through the winding roads of time itself.

New Orleans, Louisiana

With a small sigh of relief I appeared back in my current year; 2015. I stood in front of my parents large estate, that I had the fortune of living in.

Within the blink of an eye I teleported into my own room. I stood still for a second waiting to see if my mother sensed my presence. I smiled when I thought that my mother hadn't noticed. Mind you I said 'thought'.

"Adriel Pembroke where have you been!" My mothers voice boomed from all around me causing the entire estate the shake, quite literally.

I cringed as multiple knickknacks of mine fell from shelves and onto the ground. Turning around I watched as my bedroom door flew open and my mother walk in with my father on her heels. While my mother had an expression of fury, my father wore an amused smile.

"Okay before you say anything I brought you back a gift." I held out my hand as a pair of horrendous looking 1600 heels appeared from thin air.

The truth was those had actually been my own shoes before I took them off to run from the kings guards. I watched as the shoes turned to ash courtesy of mother before placing my hands behind my back in a sheepish way.

"I mean if you didn't like the shoes you could've just said so."

"Adriel Pembroke! How dare you defy me! I told you you are not to leave this property without my permission! Let alone go to an entirely different time period!" My mother exploded.

"Mom I was only gone for like five minutes." I technically wasn't lying.

I came back to the year 2015 just five minutes after I had left to year 1663. I made sure to time it just right.

"Maybe you've only been gone from 2015 for five minutes, but how long were you in whatever time period you were in? Hmm?"

"Two days." I whispered lowly but my mother caught it.

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