Chapter 21

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I walked down the hall in search of my new culinary class. On a Monday you would expect everybody to be lost. But I was the only lost one. Certain sides of the school I've never seen. Most of my classes are are close by so I never really had a reason to venture elsewhere. After a few minutes of searching I finally found where they relocated my culinary class to. I doubt I can survive this long ass hallway. Why cant we use the class in the back of the cafeteria? Anyway these bougie white people obviously know what they are doing.
"Christina you are late" Mr. Jackson said. He is a handsome white man with a sharp jaw line.
"Sorry I took forever to find the class" I explained. This is one of my classes where I'm one of the few black kids. The black population is small in this school. It decreased a lot since last year.
"Today we will be making chili in the cafeteria. I hope everybody has their materials. Its chili day today" Mr. Jackson said. Everybody took out their aprons and hair nets. Then we went into the cafeteria. We decided as a class who would do what. Mr. Jackson supervised us and ensured that we are cleanly.
We all worked together and made some bomb chili. If I wasn't there to season the food it probably would have tasted bland.
The class ate chili and waited for the bell to ring.
Once the bell rang we scrambled to our separate classes.
On my way  to math I ran smack into Shae. I didn't even see her short ass coming. "Bitch watch where the fuck you going!" Shae yelled. "Who you cussin at? You mad that you can't grow over the summer?" I sassed. Shae short arm extended and her palm connected with my face. I dropped my school bag and started swinging. I was beating her ass. I held this back for a while. I wanted to beat her ass since she set me up.
The fight was mostly a blur. Cameron pulled me off of her. I looked at my hands and saw blood on my knuckles. I looked at Shae's face. Blood was draining from her nose and mouth. Cameron took me to the bathroom to wash off my hands.
I went to the bathroom sink and piled soap into my hands. I scrubbed the blood from my nail beds and knuckles. Once my hands were scrubbed I rinsed my face with cold water and dried it with a paper towel. Maxine walked into the bathroom. "Chrissy they called you in the office" she said. Great now I'm in trouble.

* * * * *
At the principal's office I got a lecture about self control. Even though Shae started it, I hurt her pretty bad. So they suspended me.
At least my brain can rest from these teachers and their lessons.
Once Principal Morris dismissed me I went home.

Tasha was surprised to see me back so early. "Chrissy did you make it to 3rd period?" She asked.
"No I got into a fight and got suspended"
"Who ass did you beat?"
"Oh that explains a lot"
Tasha has a baby bump now. She is like 4 months pregnant I think. Maybe 3 months. I can't remember.
Tasha and I socialized until Mason came home from work. He works at some business building. He looked sensible in a suit. Tasha pounced on him when he entered the house. How does someone that's pregnant pounce? Anyway, I laid on the couch and texted Daquan. We chatted for what seems like forever.

* * * * *
Later that night I talked to Maxine and we made plans to go to the club tomorrow night. Maxine said she would bring me a pair of her heels. She knows I never wore heels before. I think I would die in heels. I don't fully understand how girls can walk in those death traps. But anyway Max wants to put makeup on me too. I don't wear makeup. I only have concealer for when I get pimples and lip gloss but that's probably it. She talking bout she wants me to have a full face. Like what does that even mean? Just because I start wearing skirts and dresses doesn't mean I want heels and makeup.
I went to bed that night excited for the club. I didn't tell anybody about it. Its supposed to be a girls night. Cam and Chris would flip if they found out about it. Chris would probably put my head on a platter.

* * * * *
My eyes peeled open around 1pm. I have the whole house to myself. I scratched my hair and sat up. I checked my phone and say a few messages from Christopher telling me how much he misses me. I smiled and answered his messages telling him that I miss him.
I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered. Once I was all fresh I waltzed into the kitchen with my towel wrapped around me. I opened the fridge and took out a bagel and grape jelly. I spread the jelly on the bagel and ate it. After eating my bagel I washed it down with orange juice. Then I went back in my room to get dressed to go on the court. I wore a black basketball pants with a black t shirt and grey tennis. I put my curls into a bun and headed out.

* * * * *
I dribbled the ball with Mike guiding me. Its pretty hard getting around him. He's a big guy. I looked around for an open teammate. I saw Jasper from the corner of my eye. I passed him the ball and he made the winning shot. We all high five each other.
I took my towel and dried the sweat from my face.
"Good work Chrissy" Daquan said. He handed me a bottle of water. "Thanks. What time is it?" I responded. "4:30" Daquan said.
"Oh I gotta go later guys" I said as i started my walk home.
Once I got home I took a shower and waited for Max to arrive.

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