Chapter 7

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The rest of this week flew by. It was pretty great. We won in the winter tournament championships. I was so proud of my self and the team. Christmas eve is tomorrow and we didn't even put up the tree. We are supposed to put the tree up tonight and put the gifts under the tree tomorrow.

"Hey Chrissy is dad back yet?" Mason asked as he sat next to me on the couch.

"No I haven't seen him." I replied. Speaking of dad I haven't seen in a while. I wonder if he remembers his three kids at home. I swear this man is always disappearing. I don't even remember the last time he was here for my birthday. But such is life. "Mason we have to set up the tree tonight." I said to him. He looked at me and smile. "Okay baby sis but I'm not doing all the work like last year." he replied. Mason and I watched tv for the rest of the morning.

Around 4 Mason, Cameron and I started to set up the tree. It has always been our tradition to set up the tree the night before Christmas eve. "Chrissy can you get the box with the branches?" Cameron asked. I got up off the couch and retrieved the box of branches. When I handed the box to him the doorbell rang.

I walked over and opened the door. I was so happy to see my best friend and my boyfriend standing in front of me. "You guys here to help?" I asked.

"No Chrissy we are here to steal your fridge." Maxine replied sarcastically. "Okay fridge stealers come in" I said playfully.

Maxine didn't even help us set up the tree. Her and Cameron went to go do whatever they usually do. Only Mason Christopher and I set up the tree. We took longer than usual cause we ended up playing with the decorations. I swear I was picking ornaments out of my bra.

Once the tree was fully decorated the Christmas spirit filled the house. I sat on the couch between my two favorite men. "Baby you want anything to drink?" Chris asked.

"Yeah get me my eggnog out of the fridge please." I replied.

Chris winked at me and walked to the kitchen. "So Mason do you have a girlfriend?" I asked my brother.

"I've been talking to this girl for a while but we aren't official." Mason replied. "I want to meet her. Invite her here for Christmas." I suggested.

"I will think about it." Mason said. "Here you go love." Christopher said as he handed me my eggnog. "Thanks boo." I replied. The three of us sat on the couch and talked until the unexpected happened. Dad actually came home. I expected him to be back after Christmas because he never really spends it with us. Usually its just mom, Mason, cameron, and I. Dad usually spends the holidays with the team. So I expected him to be with the team when he was done with his scum bag.

"Hello children." dad said as he walked straight into his office. "Dad what happened to the team? Don't you usually spend Christmas with them?" I asked. "I decided to spend Christmas with you guys since your mother is no longer here with us." he replied. "Wow dad it takes mom's death for you to actually spend time with us? We are your children and we barely see you. I mean we all live in the same house!" I yelled. "Correction you and Cameron are my children. That bastard is not my child." dad said. Damn I know Mason is hurt by that. Even though its true dad is still technically Mason's father even if though its not by blood. "Dad chill cause no matter what Mason will always be your son. After all you did sign his birth certificate. So legally he is your son." I said. I looked over at Mason. He looks as if he wants to cry. Dad stood there and looked at me. "So do you choose to spend time with us all of a sudden?" I asked. "Because I am your father. My lady friend will be spending Christmas with us." Dad said. I cant believe this nigga. "Okay and Christopher will be spending Christmas with us as well." I said in a sassy tone. "I will?" Christopher asked. I nodded at him.

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