Watching a Movie.... Shut The Fuck Up

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Movie theater etiquette:

Turn off your damn phone.

They fucking tell you that before the movie even starts! It's annoying as hell when I hear "My Nigga" start playing in the middle of Pompeii!

Leave your babies at home

Like the kid is going to remember the movie when they're older! Jesus, how hard is it to get someone to watch them while you go to the movies!

Duck if you have to exit.

If you gotta pee, be ninja about it. Don't obstruct my view of the movie.

Couples Movie Etiquette:

Boys buy

Feminists, calm yo' tits. If your straight or bi or the more feminine guy in your relationship, isn't it kinda nice when the boys buy the ticket and stuff?

Don't spill the popcorn

I spilled the popcorn on my boyfriend, you never live it down.

When sucking face....

Don't start fucking in the middle of the movie! Just slip in a little tongue and make sure you're being quiet. And, if it's your first time making-out. The theater is a good place to do it.

That's all mother fuckers!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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