You Know.... Taylor Said You Fuck Like Little Rabbits

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Rumor. It's like a cuss word nowadays. Adele should be arrested for using the word "Rumor" So many times in one song.

I really don't give a damn about rumors, they're actually quite funny to me. Example, a rumor that me and one of my best friends are lesbians. First, I'm straight, and she's bisexual. But, we laugh at it and when the bitches are around (aka: populars/preps) we get really close to each other and hug. They stare at us like, "EW WTF DEVIL SCUM!!!" Because we have a shit ton of god-fearing Protestants at my school. Very funny.

But, this is what happened to me the other day.

I was in the store with my Aunt. Shopping for things. And I run into a frienemy. We're like, "Oh my god! Hey, Bitch!". And hug and stuff. My aunt sends us to go get something on the other side of the store.

While we're walking she brings up my boyfriend, Jay. And she says, "So, is it true? Is he really a freaking God in the sack?"

"What the hell?" I replied in confusion, unaware of what she meant. Because, I don't hear the term "in the sack" that often.

"You know..... Taylor said you fuck like little rabbits."

Oh, I wanted to punch her so badly. I curse her our right there in the middle of the store. Pointed out every god damn flaw and had no mercy.

I had absolutely no intention of being labeled a slut.

We went from frienemies to enemies that day. I really don't care if my inner bitch showed, that type of rumor gets everyone involved. I wanted nothing to do with it.

So, morale of this story:


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