Chapther 1

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Yumi's POV

I was sleeping peacefully listening to music and then all of a sudden someone slammed open my door and harshly took of my headphones and yelled in my ear and said get up brat
And that someone was yui with her shitty bitching self that I hate. What do you what BAKA I said in a harsh voice.
  My dad said to come to his office cause he has important
News Bart so get ready she said in a sassy tone.

When I was done I headed to my shitty dad's office and yui was there to and then dad said that he has business to for a while out of town and that we have to move to a family friend's house . well I didn't gave a damn  but well on the other hand yui was baby she is and started to complain that she didn't what to go and the I started to get annoyed and said will you shut the bloody hell up you damn baby and Bob her on the head and then she glared at me and I gave her look saying dose it like I care now shut the hell up.

     (Time skip in the taxi)( didn't know what to write next.)

   Still yumi POV (and yumi wear this)



Well we were in the taxi and I was on my phone listening to music and watching outside in the window and then I see a mansion in the view and then the taxi stopped in fort of it and then me and yui get out of the taxi and get our luggage and then ...

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Well we were in the taxi and I was on my phone listening to music and watching outside in the window and then I see a mansion in the view and then the taxi stopped in fort of it and then me and yui get out of the taxi and get our luggage and then the taxi left real fast I mean like lighting fast and when I turn I see yui already opening the door that duma** why go in a house. (Acting like yui) oh I know cause I'm dumb and it looks scary and so I can get killed .(😆yumi acting like yui).

  I went in to fallow yui and then the doors slam shut well I be damn (says in her mind) and the I see a boy laying in a couch and then yui being herself and  goes up to him and says hello and then she touches him and then her face is filled of
Worried and then she puts her head on his chest and then she says he doesn't have a pulse and then I go up to her and then I gave her a look saying your kidding me and then she says she is not kidding around and then I grabbed my phone and then something grabbed my wrist and pin me to the couch .

  What are you doing get off of me you fat a** and after I said that he was pissed off and said oi don't tell ore - sama  what to do and I going to take you  of course and I screamed RAPE and then knee him in the balls and push him off of me and he fell on the ground and then got up and was going to hit me and me being in football I tackled him down.

And then a  strict voice says who are you and why are you here and it is very rude to just hurt someone in someone house that is not yours then red - head says damn it reiji and my fucking back hurts and then  yui runs after him and says help he just attack my sister (yumi mind. Fucking bitch acts like she cares and plus I was winning pouts and she just make me look weak just wait)

And four eyes (yes I have Nike names for all of them)
   Says and who are you I'm yui komori and that is yumi
Komori and why are you here.


When he ask me that I was speechless well he says well Um-mu then he ask the other hot guy and said ayato do you know
  Anything about this. How in the hell should know? This is new to me too. You never telled me that Cinnamon roll and pancake is moving in with us . that because you
  Attack her and who are you calling pancake. Red head  said
Are you stupid or something as you can see the you are as flat as one Tch god damn your dumb as you look
(Yui's mind that hurt it not my fault that I'm flat )(sobs😥)

Ayato POV

My back hurts and my balls hurt when Cinnamon roll hit me and tackled me like we were in football are something damn it but it will heal but my balls hurt like hell OK damnt😟my damn nuts man whyyyy😫



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Reiji POV

I was watching when ayato pinned yumi on the couch
  And damn I wanted to laugh my ass off but I didn't what to miss with it and damn she is fucking strong what is she

   (How reiji will look like when he is laughing his ass off)


Still reiji POV

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Still reiji POV

We should not talk here let's talk in the living room.

  Disclaimer I don't own diabolik lovers but I own the character and don't own the pic's

Hope you like👍

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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