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Well that was one hell of a month for me. I can't believe I actually finished a fic for a change. I usually drop out after two chapters.

Comparing the beginning to the end is actually kinda funny bc the beginning was so light and full of hope and then the end is just DEATH AND DEPRESSION and honestly story of my life.

Idk where I'm going with this, I've never written the end to a book before...uhm...

Shoutout to robotimi and Soccer1119 who kept me motivated

I posted over 85 times in 30 days, you proud mom? Probably not as I'm writing fanfiction while my grades are slipping...oh well

Bye I guess

I'll start writing the answers to the character ask ASAP (I just need y'all to give me some questions first) and the answers will be given through texting (including some input from other characters) just bc I can't write irl stuff (as is evident by some of the chapters and my fic Polaroid)

Okay well actually goodbye now


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