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tw: severe injures and blood

it was late in the night, maybe around eleven or so, and officer brendon urie was sitting in his patrol car on the edge of a street corner, awaiting for a call or at least something to happen.

he took a deep breath, sitting back into his seat, exhaling the tensions that haunted him throughout the day, and tried relaxing easy enough as to not fall asleep.

yeah, he was tired, physically and mentally. when he signed up for this job, he knew what he was in for, but now it just exhausts him to no extent, draining him of all his time and effort.

brendon shut his eyes, and awaited for whatever happened next; whether he got a call or he fell asleep all together. and frankly, he'd prefer the latter.

some time had passed, and his mind was slowly drifting. all his worries and cares were diminishing into thin air. he took another deep breath, a smile slowly creeping onto his face.

until his radio went off,

"bu. officer bu. we got a 10-78 on the corner of 12th and harway. officer wentz is down. proceed with caution." brendon groaned, letting all his frustration about before picking up his radio with one hand and blankly stating, "on my way."

he flipped on his sirens and started the car, breaking the law enforced speed limit as he sped down the road, trying to cut the twenty-five minute drive in half.

it took him around fifteen or so minutes, but he got in front of the alleged crime scene and parked, exiting his car with a gun ready to draw in his holster.

he took it out, wanting to raises awareness that he was there, despite the dispatchers orders to use discretion. brendon continued searching around the street corner, as it was being lit through the yellow-tinted street light, and still found nothing.

until surely enough, he could hear his co-worker pete wentz, moaning in the distance as a cry for help,
"heeeeeeelp... help meeeeeeee." he cried out into the night, and brendon followed the sound of his voice.

it wasn't long after that he found him, slowly bleeding out in an alleyway, bruises and cuts freshly left on his face, though it still didn't distract from the prominent stab wound in his right leg.

brendon didn't panic, or tried not to, at least. he knelt down to the ground quickly to get a better look at pete, "hey buddy-- hey pete, stay with me, alright? helps on the way."

the injured brunet didn't respond coherently, but brendon still took it upon himself to radio out for ambulances to get to the scene quickly, as it was clear he couldn't help pete on his own.

the officer then went back down on one knee to talk to pete, "did you see who it was or where they went?" he asked, rather calmly. pete nodded, his eyes glassy and red from crying out in pain, the sweat dripping down from his forehead mixed with blood from the wounds, "t-t..." he coughed, but still couldn't get a word in.

"t? who's t?" brendon questioned, but knew he wouldn't get an answer from pete. as if by sheer coincidence, he then felt a presence behind him, and gripped his gun in hand, ready to turn around and fire.

and that's when it happened, a familiar voice crept up on brendon like shadow in the night, "looks like you found my little mess." the officer shot up, and aimed his gun right at him, just who he has suspected 't' would be.

he was about to open fire on the infamous tyler joseph.

but surprisingly, this didn't faze the criminal. he just smirked, and slowly raised his blood-covered hands above his head,
"don't worry, daddy. i know the rules."

brendon still didn't lower his gun, but used his other hand to ready the handcuffs, "get on your knees, hands where i could see 'em." he ordered the convict to do.

"ooooooo," tyler cooed, doing what the officer asked, "getting right into it i see," he flirtatiously teased, but brendon tried not paying any mind to him as he jerked tyler's hands behind his back and put them in handcuffs.

the convict still spoke up, "y'know, i can't exactly get your pants off when my hands trapped are behind my back," he bit his lip, "i mean, unless you're into that sort of thing--"

the officer wasn't having any of it yet and was ready for him to stop talking, "you have the right to remain silent," he yanked tyler up by the chain of the handcuffs, and the two faced each other,

"so you should probably use it while you still can."

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