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Centi headed back into the woods were she saw Garnet talking to herself. Centi crept behind her and listened.
"So, everything's fixed?" Garnet asked.
"Yes. I looked into the future and saw that Pearl won't be insane, Rose is still alive, and Steven will be born in only a matter of thousands of years."
"I can't believe you're a time traveler..."
"You told her?!" Centi flew her arms in the air. Garnet turned around gasped. Soon enough Ruby and Sapphire landed on the ground.
"C-Centi! It's not what I meant... I had to tell Ruby what I was doing!" Sapphire cried.
"No! You lied to me! Ruby wasn't suppose to know about you being a time traveler! She wasn't even suppose to know me!" Centi snapped. Centi charged after Sapphire but Ruby stepped in front of Centi blocking we path.
"Don't go near her! It was wrong for her to even join you and the time travelers. Sapphire did nothing wrong and she's being a time traveler with you!" Ruby snapped.
"She isn't a time traveler anymore she quit!" Centi snapped. "It was easier with Sapphire around because she could she the future of what we fixed!"
"Centi... I'm sorry... time travelers are bad Gems and that's not what I am!" The end of Sapphire's dress froze. "I'm not like you."
"NOT LIKE ME?! You're right! You're nothing like me! I'm strong, confidence, loyal, and I'll keep over two hundred gems bubbled in my house because they're evil. You saw what they did and you never explained that to the diamonds you just let gem make me become a time traveler!" Centi backed away, she knew if she kept talking she might snap and say something she might regret. She knew her own triggers.
"Centi..." Sapphire reached to grab her arm, but Centi pulled away.
"Bye Sapphire," Centi said, and walked out of the woods, her back turned to the one true friend she had left and was now nothing to her.
"Would you like more?" an Amethyst asked, showing a dead cooked rabbit in Centi's face.
"Uh- no- thanks," Centi said, finishing her other cooked rabbit. Centi glared at the Amethyst's gem on her chest, it was awfully big. "When were you made?"
"Like a couple hundred years ago..." Amethyst said.
"You should be taller," Centi said.
"I know," Amethyst grumbled and chomped on the cooked rabbit she held in her hands. "I stayed in my hole too long."
"Oh, so you're from the kindergarten," Centi said, leaning her elbows on her knees. Centi would rather be a runt then corrupted- fully corrupted in 6,000 years. "I don't see a lot of kindergarten Gems here."
"What? Did you help with it?" Amethyst asked.
"No not really. I'm a time traveler and I can go back in time and fix things," Centi said.
"Ooo! Can you fix me? Can you make me come out of my hole earlier?" Amethyst asked.
Centi almost immediately regretting telling Amethyst she was a time traveler. "I can't," Centi said. "What happen to you is something I can't fix."
"What why? Your a time traveler you can fix anything!" Amethyst didn't shut up. She didn't understand the consequences.
"No. It's not like that. It's not that easy," Centi explained. "I could kill you if I took you out of your hole too early."
"Then if it kills me can you just go back in time to stop yourself?" Amethyst asked.
Centi knew Amethyst wouldn't stop, so she had a solution. "Fine," Centi stood up, and stayed still. Centi stood there for a solid four seconds and sat back down. "Done."
Amethyst looked down at herself. "I'm... not any taller."
"Yeah. Because taking you out of your hole earlier would kill you," Centi said even though she wasn't sure, she didn't really go back in time she just stood there.
"Oh... why?" Amethyst asked.
Centi stood up and speed walked to Peridot who was examining the warp pad. "Hey Peridot," Centi said and sat down.
"Hey Centi! I have a question... are there warp pads in the future?" Peridot asked.
"Yeah," Centi answered. "What are you doing?"
"There's something wrong with this thing. I was trying to warp to Rose's fountain but this stupid thing won't bring me!" Peridot snapped, kicking the warp pad.
Centi felt her legs go weak. Has Centi not fixed the future? Centi thought she killed Pink Pearl would solve everything. Centi sighed and rubbed her eye. Maybe Pink Pearl broke the warp pad before She killed her. Centi knew she couldn't kill her again. She sighed and stepped on the warp pad. "I'll warp to the closest warp pad near the warp pad to Rose's fountain and I'll see what's wrong," Centi said and warped away.
Centi took a deep breath and stepped off of the warp pad when she got to the red kindergarten. Centi walked down some stairs and looked around. This kindergarten wasn't well made at all, these gems were just placed anywhere, Home World needed a lot more warrior gems.
Centi wondered if Amethyst was made in this kindergarten since she's a runt. Centi walked past Jasper's hole and Peridot's, Centi walked all the way to the end of the short kindergarten. Rose's fountain was about 50 miles away- not too far.
"Who are you?" Centi turned around and saw Lapis- one of Pink Pearl's friends.
"I'm Centi," Centi said.
"You're corrupted," Lapis said and landed in front of me. "How?"
"The diamonds," Centi said quickly. "Who are you?"
Lapis looked a lot like Lazuli, hell, they were the same gemstone. But in my opinion Lazuli was prettier.
"I'm Lapis," Lapis said, fixing her long skirt. "Why are you here?" Her voice was low and she finished her sentence with a sigh.
"I'm going to Rose's fountain," Centi said.
Lapis's pupils shrunk. "No! Don't go there! You can't!"
"Why not?"
"There's something wrong with Pink Pearl! She's mad at someone," Lapis said.
"But Pink Pearl is dead," Centi said.
"You can't fool a time traveler," Lapis said, her eyes narrow. Centi felt her heart skip a beat, Lapis was a time traveler too?
"She's been going through a bunch of time lines, looking for someone but she can't find them. Someone killed her and she's looking for revenge," Lapis said.
Centi's head hung low. She was looking for her, Centi killed Pink Pearl and now she's looking for revenge. She wants to shatter Centi just like how Centi shattered her. Centi was just confused... can Pink Pearl time travel? Centi rubbed her legs just at the thought. She could go back in time, any time line and find Centi. It won't be hard.
"Thanks," Centi said and walked off.
"Fine! If you're going alone- I'll go with you," Lapis said. "I tried to help Pink Pearl but she just kept yelling at me."
Centi sighed. "Fine. How bad is she?"
"Really bad. Do you know who shattered her?" Lapis asked.
Centi sucked in a long deep breath. "I did. But for a reason. I should've just let Pearl kill her in the woods and everything would be fine. Yes, some things would be wrong but not as bad as this."
"What would've happened if you didn't do this?" Lapis asked.
"Steven would've shattered White Diamond and the entire Home World is looking for the Crystal Gems. Yellow Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven would've been the only survivors," Centi continued. "The three wouldn't know what to do. Even after Pearl killed another Peridot after a rage out..."
"Pearl? The annoying one?" Lapis asked.
"Yes. The Peridot she's going to kill isn't around yet," Centi said. "Pearl will kill her because she's insane and after Peridot's death Pearl will go back to normal. But Steven and the others will kill her and bubble her forever. And forever her gem will be kept in a bubble- even when the world ends- forever."
"Sounds depressing," Lapis said.
"I know. But Pearl deserves it. I don't know what will happen when I see Pink Pearl- but it will defiantly change the future," Centi said and walked.
"I'll fly you there."
The fog was really thick, you could barley see 30 feet in front of you.
"We're here," Lapis said, setting Centi on the ground.
Centi looked around for Pink Pearl, but there was so sign of her. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. But she doesn't look the same as she did before Centi- you gotta understand that. She's like- weird..." Lapis shivered. "I think it's from her cracked gem."
"I'll see about that," I said and summoned my mace. I walked deep into the fog with Lapis behind me. "Where did you last see her?"
"Sitting in the fountain. The water can't fix her gem, just her body," Lapis and I walked to the fountain and I held my breath.
There she was, sitting in the fountain. Long black hair covered her face and gray eyes stuck out like a sore thumb. Her eyes slowly looked at me.
All this time. She was looking for her. The one that shattered her. After going through time and looking for this bitch She found her and didn't even have to lift a finger. She was standing just 100 feet from her.
She lost everything when she shattered her gem. Her color. Her emotions. Her weapon. Her ability to warp. She stood up from the fountain, her clothes turned in a light gray.
"Pink Pearl..." Centi said.
She lifted a finger to her lips and felt her gem spark. Lapis shivered and hugged herself.
"I'm not Pink Pearl anymore..."
"I'm not Lapis anymore..."
"I'm Gray Pearl now..."
"I'm Malachite now..."
Centi froze and realized everything. Pink Pearl had a Future Vision with Lapis and Zircon talking to her, Pink Pearl saw Lapis, not because she had to fix Lapis's problem, but Pink Pearl would become Lapis's problem.
They would both change into something they didn't wanna be.
I watched Gray Pearl walk up to me. She looked so much different. She had short black hair and gray skin. She looked a lot like Black Pearl- someone more powerful then the Diamonds. Even the Diamonds worship her. No one has ever seen her. Had Pink- Gray Pearl?
"Gray Pearl, I'm sorry for shattering you. It was right-"
I screamed and shot my hands at her. Long electricity shot from my fingers and hit Centi right in the gem. Centi flew backwards but I knew I didn't do much damage, she was already corrupted. But I didn't care, Centi ruined my life and now I'm not even Pink, I'm a gross Gray. Centi deserves to die, she's corrupted so I can't do anything to her. But I can lock her up.
"Gray Pearl, wait!" Lapis called.
I hissed and shot electric chains at her and trapped her in the fountain underwater.
"G-Gray Pearl! Let's talk! Please!" Centi begged.
I shot chains at her and lifted her in the air. "There's nothing to talk about," I said. "You ruined my life!" I swung Centi in the air. I ran over to her and shot an electric shock right at her gem. She screamed.
Centi's gem burned. She looked up and saw Gray Pearl running to her. Centi summoned her weapon and swung at Gray Pearl, sending her flying back wards. Lapis flew out of the fountain, the chains ripped off of her. Lapis flew down to me and lifted me up.
Gray Pearl reached for Lapis's foot, she scratched Lapis's ankle and left bloody scratch marks.
Lapis and Centi flew off.
Centi's gem was getting corrupted faster from Gray Pearl's shock.
"Are you ok?" Lapis asked.
Centi sighed, unable to think from the pain in her gem. "Y-yeah..."
"I know how to fix this," Lapis said.
"Ah... h-how?" Centi asked.
"Black Pearl."


End of book 1.
Book 2: Black Pearl (Steven Universe x reader)


To be continued...

Steven Universe x reader (Pink Pearl)Where stories live. Discover now