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I walked around Earth, I had to at least look at it, since I decided to join the CG's SNAP just like that.
The Earth seemed peaceful. There wasn't giant solider Gems marching over you and everything and everyone was about the diamonds. In this world it seemed like everything was to itself, peaceful.
"Oh, hello Topaz. What are you doing here?" Pearl asked behind me.
"Just looking around," I said. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm out here to find some corrupted gems," Pearl said. "They're everywhere on Earth, the diamonds did that to them."
"It was an accident," I said. "I was there."
"You were? Then you'd be corrupted!" Pearl snapped.
"I was in the ship, I snuck on there," I lied.
Pearl gave me a glare. "Fine then, I believe you. Expect... your gem..."
"My gem? What about it?" I asked. "Are you jealous it's shinier than yours?"
"What- no! ITS A PEARL GEM!" Pearl snapped. "Your gem looks nothing like a Topaz. And what you just said, Topaz gems aren't supposed to be shiny... so... you just ratted yourself out! You're Pink Diamond Pearl! YOU'RE PINK PEATL!"
I took a step back. "You can't prove that."
"Fine- be that way," Pearl summoned her weapon, a long light blue spear. "Pink Diamond's Pearl's weapon is a dark pink sledge hammer. I saw you with it before. Can you show me again?" Pearl leaped in the air and threw her spear at me. I dodged it and summoned my weapon.
"HERE'S MY WEAPON YOU LITTLE BI-" but Pearl cut me off and summoned another spear and started shooting lasers at me. I leaped in the air but one laser shot me and sent me flying through the air. I hit a large rock and fell to the ground.
"Leave the Crystal Gems! Your kind isn't worthy!" Pearl snapped.
I slowly stood up. "What do you mean? You're white diamonds Pearl!"
Pearl froze and lowered her weapon. "N-no. I'm not. I was supposed to though," Pearl said. "There was another white Pearl with the same gem placement as me. We had to fight to see who was better and more worthy of being white diamonds Pearl and... I lost."
"Good! You deserve it!" I said and slammed my sledge hammer at Pearl.
Pearl flew in the air but came back to me quickly.
"I deserved to be white diamonds! Nobody else! She cheated during the fight!" Pearl pushed her spear to my throat and pushed me against a rock. "I'm not like anybody else, I'm choosing to be my own gem and I like myself that way. I'm not you. I'm not Rose. I'm not anybody so tell your friends to stop making fun of me," Pearl kicked me and I fell in a stream of water.
I got up and brushed myself off. "That's good that you're trying to be yourself. It's good that no one is like you."
"What does that mean?" Pearl hissed.
"The way you are... is horrible."
Pearl threw her spear at me and I blocked it with my weapon. "Don't tell me who I can't be!" Pearl jumped in the air and stabbed her spear through my chest.
I screamed and she kicked me back into the water. Pearl jumped on top of me and aimed her spear at my gem. I turned around and swam to the bottom of the stream, which was only four yards deep. I felt Pearl grab my leg and pull me to the surface. I summoned two sledge hammers and slammed them both of Pearl's sides. Pearl screamed and I swam deeper into the water. Laser shot near me and some hit me. I dodged them and swung my sledge hammer at Pearl. I hit Pearl and she flew out of the water. I swam to the surface and got out of the water. Pearl landed on the ground and tossed her spear at me again, it went through my body, right above my gem. Pearl was trying to kill me.
"I'm going to shatter you!" Pearl kicked me in the face and I was half in and half out of the water.
I summoned my weapon but Pearl kicked me again and kicked my gem. I hit the rock and fell to the ground. I glitched and looked down at my gem. It was cracked.
"You see what happens?" Pearl snapped, she lowered the end of the spear and aimed it at my cracked gem. "You look surprised?"
"I..." I glitched again and grabbed my gem. "I didn't think you'd crack me..."
Pearl laughed. "Oh honey, I'm insane. I have at least thirty gems bubbled in my room, under one of the waterfalls, I'll free them one day and fight them and kill them to take my stress away."
"You're crazy!" I glitched.
Pearl laughed again. "Hm, maybe I should kill you, fix your gem, and fight you again when I'm really stressed!"
"Don't you dare!" I snapped as Pearl swung her sword at me.
Then everything went black.

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