Chapter 19.

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Nefertari had to take a deep breath before she entered the throne room and walked towards where Atem was standing and Shimon was just behind him she could almost laugh at herself for feeling nervous just like she did when she first came to the palace and set foot inside it's wall's and meet the man she was to marry but how little had she known that real love would happen between them, or that she would be pregnant with his child truth be told she was more nervous about becoming a mother than even being queen after all she never had known her mother though she had Panya so she knew some thing's about being a mother in a way though saying she was't nervous about being queen then she would be lying because after the wedding she would be the queen of Egypt and even though her lessons were done with now it was still something that was't going to be easy but she did have Atem right next to her and that made her feel a bit better she snapped out of her thoughts when he held out his hand to her and she took it and felt her cheeks heat up a little due to the way he was looking at her, also the way he was dressed she could't take her eye's off him most of all due to the cloak he had around his shoulders he had noticed it on the end of the bed and she could't help but smile it suited him and she was glade her liked it and he smiled right back once she was standing in front of him and shimon the whole throne room became quiet.

"we are gathered here to day on this great day to bring these two together in the eye's of the god's themselves and may they bless this union between our great Pharaoh and Nefertari who is more than fitting to rule by his side so that during the darkest time's she will be his strength and that he will be her's, and may their love and laughter spread through out the land of Egypt when the time's are good and may we thank the gods that we our blessed to have them both as our Pharaoh and Queen" Shimon stepped aside as Seto and Mahad stepped forward with with a golden box that contained two golden rings which had hieroglyphics carved into them one was given to Atem the other to her.

"I Atem the Pharaoh of Egypt  take thee Nefertari to be my wife and my queen,to share the good times and hard times side by side, I humbly give you my hand and my heart as I pledge my faith and love to you just as this ring I give you today is a circle without end, my love for you is eternal just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail with this ring, I thee wed." he said slipping it onto her finger she did't have to be told what to do though trying to get her voice not to shake while saying it that was the hard part and trying to stop her hand from shaking as well.

"I Nefertari take thee Pharaoh Atem to be my husband and my Pharaoh, to share the good times and hard times side by side, i humbly give you my hand and my heart as i pledge my faith and to you just as this ring i give you today is a circle without end, my love for you is eternal just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail with this ring i thee wed" she said placing the ring on his finger she could feel her whole body shake when she let out the small breath she had been holding while she said all that though she was shocked that she had manged to keep her voice from shaking that was beyond her but she did.

"for those gathered here to day and in the eye's of the gods i am over joyed to say you are now husband and wife" Shimon said.

Neither of them had to be told what to do next and as they kissed as husband and wife the throne room burst into cheer's she could't help but let out a chuckle and he joined her, Mahad told them to follow him out onto the balcony to greet the villagers as husband and wife and for her as their queen she linked arms with Atem as she was still shaking from happiness and nerves all at the same time and she was glade her kept a tight grip while they walked it helped a lot with the nerves also she could feel him shake just a little he was as nervous as she had been but he hid it better than she did, they both had to blink when they stepped out into the sunlight and the cheering was even louder than it had been inside as they cheered for their Pharaoh and their new Queen.

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