Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 2

Start from the beginning

"Where have you been?" he asked.

"Forgive me, Master Torvald," I answered, all too cognizant of Rachel and Kathryn standing just behind me as I stepped forward to face him. "We were busy elsewhere with other chores."

"But you are late," he said, with no less annoyance in his tone. "Did I not make it clear I would have the ingredients to you by three? Here lies the meat for tonight's meal. "

He gestured to the dead girl as if her presence was not already all too apparent.

"We will make certain your meal is prepared in time for your guest," I said, keeping my voice as  calm and even as possible. I could not be emotional. Not with the two others watching. "Is there a certain dish you would like?"

"I have heard my brother rave about the loin chops you prepare," he answered. "That should be suitable as a main course I should think. The rest I will leave up to your discretion."

I nodded.

"Perhaps your culinary skills will make up for your tardiness and repay my generosity," he added.

I felt my body tense as his eyes scanned over Kathryn and Rachel. No, he wouldn't. He couldn't possibly be so cruel. But as a small smile appeared on his lips I knew that he would not keep his mouth shut.

"It seems from their expressions that your girls are ignorant," he mused. "They should thank you, Alice, for the protection you provide them in picking another for my table. After all, your two kitchen pets are the most appetizing of my brother's flock. But perhaps that is why he would wish to keep them for himself."

"I assure you that all of my Master's stock is beyond reproach," I answered through gritted teeth. "But we will, of course, do our best to please you, Master."

Rage coursed through my veins. I wanted to strike back for his cruelty. But what could I do? I was helpless. A slave. As I had been for my entire life. It was precisely his intent to remind me of my place and, in the end, he was right. I had no power. The only reason I still breathed was the presumed protection of my Master. In spite of anything I might do, even in his unconscious state, Magnus held more influence than I could ever hope to.

How could I have allowed myself to forget that for one moment, I wondered? To have bought into Magnus's lie of equality in any sense. I was nothing in this world. Torvald was only forcing me to face reality. For the first time since the accident, I found myself almost wishing that Magnus had not survived his fall. That his protection had died with him. That I had been ushered straight to death along with my friend and not had to endure this endless torture, praying for him to wake while destroying my humanity in service to a man determined to ruin me from the inside out.

Torvald's smile deepened at my obvious frustration and helplessness.

"See to it that you do," he said. "Though I find his methods of operation vaguely troubling I do respect my brother's business. It would not take much however for me to change my mind in allowing your reign as overseer to continue. Until Magnus is well it is I who must maintain his holdings. If the need should arise, I will assert whatever authority I deem necessary to do so."

"Then I will continue to do whatever it takes to ensure all continues to be managed smoothly," I replied, choking back my emotions and trying to keep myself in check. "But if you will forgive me, Master, we must work quickly if you expect us to finish in time for dinner."

His gaze sharpened slightly at my attempt to take control of the situation again. "I hope it is not a bother that the carcass is still intact?" Torvald said casually, his taunting bringing an unbearable heat to my cheeks. "Magnus has often told me that you are more than capable at all tasks an overseer might be employed to do after all. That being the case, I can't imagine that butchering would be too difficult."

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