Ch. 11: Alpha Pact

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I ran into the elevator after Stiles repeatedly slapped Derek, trying to get him to wake up, and I knelt next to Derek as I told Stiles, "Move."

I reached back and almost punched my older, Alpha brother when he caught my fist, finally awake.

"Where is she?" Derek asked.

"Jennifer?" I asked. "Gone with Scott's mother."

"She took her?" Stiles demanded.

"Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay?"

"So we gotta get you two out of here," Stiles said. "The police are coming, and we gotta get you guys the hell out of here."

I helped Derek up, and when he almost fell, I caught his arm. "Whoa. What about Cora?"


And now, Derek and I were meeting up with Isaac, Allison, Argent and Cora. Peter had disappeared. Unsurprisingly.

Now, Derek and I got out of the car.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Allison asked us as Derek went to get Cora from the other car.

"Stiles is still at the hospital," Derek answered, carrying Cora back to ours. "He's gonna hold off the cops for us. We have to go right now."

"What about Scott and Melissa?" Argent asked.

"Jennifer took Melissa," I answered as Derek put Cora inside.

"What about Scott?" Allison asked. Neither of us answered. "Derek? Tara, where's Scott?"

I sighed, looking at them.

They wouldn't like my answer.

After I told them, Derek, Cora, Isaac and I left for the loft.


I knelt next to Cora on one side, Derek on the other, and I took her hand, taking her pain, veins trailing up my arm as I did, the pain causing even me to gasp.

Derek put his hand on top of mine to stop me. If I took too much, it could kill me. "Tara, stop."

"She's dying, isn't she?" Isaac asked us.

"I don't know," I said.

"So what are you guys gonna do?"

"I don't know," Derek said.

"Want to figure something out? Because while Scott and Stiles were out there, trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer." Derek didn't answer. "Do you know how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora 's dying, and you are doing nothing!" I looked down to Cora, but Isaac's anger wasn't directed at me. It was directed at Derek. "Why'd you do this to us, Derek? Was it all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely with a sister you didn't trust, and who didn't trust you until now?"

Derek looked toward him. "Maybe." He looked back at our sister. "I told Cora I wouldn't leave. I'll help the others when I figure out how to help her."

"There's no time!" Isaac yelled, walking closer to the door. "The full moon's coming. The sheriff and Melissa are gonna be dead, so I'm gonna try to help them." He slowly opened the door. "You both can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing."

He slid the door closed with a slam.

"I wouldn't take it personally," Peter's voice came, but I didn't look up. "Anger is just a tool. He's using it as an excuse to shifting allegiance from one Alpha to another. From you to Scott."

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