ch. 5: Frayed

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Sorry, guys, it's not Isaac! :) I've tried to write Tara and Isaac together before, but it seems too forced to me, and if it's forced, it's not good.

Who I'm thinking about has been building up since book one, and Tara's REALLY reluctant to do ANYTHING about it, so you won't see much of it until later on, but . . . . :)

Sorry, Tisaac fans. It just seems too forced to me, but you WILL have something that you'll like. :)


"I know where they are," Scott said as he slid the loft door open, walking closer to Peter, Derek, Cora, Boyd and me. 

"Same building as the Argents, we know," Derek said. 

"Cora and I followed the twins," Boyd explained.

"Then they want you to know," Scott said.

"Or, more likely, they don't care," I said.

He stood next to me, looking down at the carefully laid out maps. "What is this?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" Peter asked. "The schemers are scheming, coming up with a coup de main, better know as a pre-emptive strike." 

"You're going after them?" 

"Tomorrow," Derek answered.

Scott looked at me, and I said, "And you're gonna help us." 


I was fighting. Everyone was. I saw Boyd's chest being slashed by Kali's toe nails as Ennis held him still. Then Boyd fell as I felt my arm behind held from behind me, spinning me to face Ennis as he clawed into my sides as hard as he could . . . 


"They're one floor above them in the penthouse, right about Allison," Derek said.

"So kill them first, that's the plan?" Scott asked.

"They won't even see it coming," Boyd said. 

"Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" 

"You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter asked rhetorically, then looked to Derek. "Not that I disagree with him." 

"I do," Cora stated bluntly. "Why do we need this kid?" 

"This kid helped save your life," I told her. I looked at Scott. He looked back. "And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move." 

"You can't beat a pack of Alphas," Scott told me. 

"That's why we're going after Deucalion," Cora said, making us look at her. "Just him." 

I saw her, Peter and Derek giving me a weird look and I looked down to the maps, ignoring them as Boyd said, "Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies." 

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a hydra," Peter said, looking away from me with his quizzativ, piercing gaze. "And like Scott says, they're all Alphas." 

"Deucalion's still the leader," Derek said. 

"Let's hope so. Because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra?" 

"Two more grew back in its place," Scott said as he looked over the maps. 

"Somebody's been doing their summer reading." 

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