47. He is Everyone's First Choice

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Steve?"

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I really like you, (Y/N). I'd like it a lot if you waited for me while I'm gone."

Your eyes widened a little, shocked as to what Steve was asking you.

"Steve," You started, only to be interrupted by one of your teachers up on the stage where you'd soon walk across and receive your diploma.

"Seniors, please make your way to the side of the stage. Line up in alphabetical order. Prepare to enter the next step of your lives."

"We'll talk after," Steve smiled, dismissing himself towards the stage.

You let out a sigh; you cared for Steve, you really did. It was just. . .all this time you'd thought of him as a friend—a close friend. That was all.

After setting the picture down with the rest of your belongings, you made your way to the line. You took your place, which just so happened to be in front of Mr. Barnes himself.

"Look, I'm sorry for raising my voice earlier." Bucky apologized behind you.

Glancing over your shoulder, you shrugged.

"I don't hate you, you know. I don't argue with you just for the sake of arguing. Steve is my best pal, always has been. How can I let him join knowing he might get himself killed?"

You turned around completely for this, "Anyone who joins is taking a risk. A unit's strongest man could die just as easily in battle as Steve. He deserves a chance just like anyone else."

"Well, I see your point, sweetheart, but think of it this way—"

Your name was called and you stepped forward, not hearing anymore of what Bucky had to say. You were a little nervous as you walked across the stage, received your diploma, and reached the other stairs.

You were officially done with high school, and reality began to set in. Steve's next step was to enlist while yours was hopefully more education. Bucky's argument didn't seem so crazy, after all. You felt like you were losing Steve the second he was walking across the stage.

Behind you came Bucky, proud and waving his diploma in the air.

"I didn't get to finish my thought," he caught up to you as you walked behind the stage.

"Doesn't mean I want to hear it, Buck."

"Wait, seriously," he gently caught your hand in his. "We're all Steve has. Think about it. I'm enlisting as soon as I get the chance, but I have family to come back to. Who does Steve have? Just us. If he comes back—"

"When he comes back—"

"If." Bucky repeated, "If he comes back he's coming straight back to you. How does that make you feel? Sitting back here wondering whether or not he's even alive out there?"

You swallowed, "What are you implying?"

"Don't act like you don't know. Steve loves you."

You were slightly taken aback. It didn't surprise you as much as it would have the day before, but Steve's words from earlier were stuck in your head.

"He never told me." You sighed, "I mean I think he tried to earlier, but. . ."

Bucky gave your hand a squeeze, "I wish I was more like Steve. He's a good man. He deserves someone like you."

You parted your lips to speak but Bucky caught you by surprise with a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry if that was selfish of me to do. Honestly, my being scared of losing Steve isn't the only reason why I don't want him to enlist. I know that if he does, you'll wait for him. And I don't blame you, Steve is about as good as it gets."

You were utterly confused. You'd never even thought that Bucky would ever try to kiss you, and before today, you didn't think Steve would ever admit to loving you.

"I don't understand—"

Bucky shook his head, "I knew the both of us were going to fall for you the day we met you. But you and Steve have everything in common. You and Steve have always clicked more. I never said anything until now because I didn't want to interfere. I'm sorry to confuse you."

And with that, the dark-hair, blue-eyed man was walking away, his cap low on his head.

The day had gone completely unexpected, even more so as you walked over to your belongings. The drawing of you and Steve was ripped down the middle and this nearly brought tears to your eyes. Bucky wouldn't have done something like this so it had to be done by someone else, just out of cruelty.

Glancing around, your eyes quickly found Steve's. The smile he'd worn earlier was long gone.

"You did this?" You asked, holding the halves of the drawing up.

"It was a mistake. I should've known that Bucky was your first choice. He's everyone's first choice," Steve pursed his lips, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

Shaking your head, you took a step towards him, "He kissed me by surprised. I didn't even know how either of you felt until—"

Steve began to turn away, "It doesn't matter anymore. I shouldn't have fooled myself into thinking you'd actually see me as anything more than your scrawny friend."

"Steve, wait," your voice threatened to crack.

You never had any intentions of hurting Steve Rogers. He was a good man and an even better friend. And now? He had turned his back to you and disappeared as if your friendship was some sort of mistake, leaving you behind wondering how it all went wrong so quickly.


Hey, it's been a while. Wow. I watched Civil War last night and woke up this morning wanting to write. I've missed this! Hopefully not everyone has removed this book from their library. 😂

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