Start from the beginning

The entire building shook as a loud smashing sound came from the outside that quickly became the inside. A few seconds later two similar smashes followed.

"What was that?!"

"I don't know sir"

"We'll find out and get the rest of security in here!"

The sound of bending metal and cracking wood erupted from the room beside them.

The chief of security pushed Almon behind him just as the wall flew apart and burly man wearing the lionhearted uniform came smashing through.

The guard tried to pull his weapon but Harold swatted him aside like a fly and the man smashed against the far wall and slid to the ground unconscious.

Almon tried to run but a heavy hand pushed him to the ground then brutally bent his arms behind his back slapping them into some type of restraint.


David Kel and Zephyr followed Daniel's path of destruction to where Harold was already restraining Almon.

"Told you I get to him before you would." Harold boasted.

Zephyr stared at him. "I can't believe you just charged through the building as if you were a raging bull like that!"

Daniel opened his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Stephanie.

The door to the room flew open and three security guards came into view. At seeing Almon laying on the floor the instantly drew their weapons.

Daniel closed his eyes and sent back his full concentration into Harold.

Harold reached out and ripped loose a transport size chunk of the wall he just came through and interposed it between them and the guards like a shield as if it weighed no more than 10 pounds.

The small arms fire plaininged off the makeshift shield. "Through the roof. The extraction point should be just down the hall then."

Zephyr nodded and grabbed David Kel unceremoniously throwing him through the ceiling. Then jump up through the hole she had just used him to create.

With one hand Harold tossed Almon up to her than threw the wall at the guardsmen pouring into the room buying himself enough time to jump up as well.

Zephyr threw almond over her shoulder and dashed down the hallway towards the designated room.

David Kel clambered to his feet. "You know I think I'm going to let you two handle this type of stuff from now on that stinking hurt!"

Harold laughed as they ran after Zephyr.

By the time they got to the room and closed the door behind them Stephanie had already had Zephyr deploy the metal curved tubes and they were snapping into place.

Almond had been rather roughly handled but he managed to wheeze out. "Who are you people?!"

Michael had David Kel stand up straight. "We are the lionhearted. And you and your president will stand trial for your crimes." Then he turned and smashed the security camera.


They came through the dimensional door onto the mobile station. A hologram of Alf and eight droids were waiting for them.

Zephyr shoved Almon to the droids. They took him by his arms and dragged him off to the cell Alf had prepared for him.

"Good job Sir, I especially like that last tidbit." Alf commented.

"Seen that did you?"

"Yes, soul Knight's hack enabled me to watch the whole thing."

"I'm hoping that last threat will get them to draw the big ships a little farther out and close in fighter security."

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