"You're fine" Dean x reader

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I glanced nervously at my clock. It was past 1 in the morning. Sam and Dean had went out around 5 hours ago and I was starting to freak out a little. I knew that I was probably overreacting, it was a simple salt and burn, we had done it countless times, they had done it countless times.

I glanced again. 1:23 "Ugh, take it easy Y/N, they are fine, everything is fine, just calm down, alright", I thought to myself. I knew Dean feel bad for me not sleeping and waiting for them to come back the whole night. Unfortunately, after being stupid enough to let that stupid werewolf leave a long deep scratch down my leg, that was the best I could do. They were both adamant about me staying in the room Dean and I shared. I was angry at first, but I couldn't really argue when they both saw the pained grimace I made at every sudden movement. I could, but I would never win anyway.

It was 1:43 when I finally heard the door open and saw the older Winchester enter the room. Although he was covered in dirt and dust looked tired as if he was dragged through a bush, he didn't look hurt and it seemed like it went like it was planned. I couldn't suppress the sigh of relief that escaped my lips as I made my way to the door and pressed Dean to my body. He instantly hugged back as I felt his lips on the top of my head.

"Hey, sweetheart, you shouldn't have stayed up that late, you must rest" he said softly, but I knew he hadn't really expected anything else. He knew that he would do the same in my place.

"I just had to make sure you're fine, i just buried my face into his chest and inhaled his scent, a mix of gunpowder, his cologne and light smell of gas, probably what they used to burn the spirit's remains.

"As much as I enjoy the moment" I whispered as I let him go, raising my head so my eyes could meet his emerald ones, my hands wrapped around his neck "if I were you, I would really take a shower. You stink, Dean" a small chuckle escaped his lips and I smiled at the sound, so precious for me, a sound that I unfortunately never heard often enough.

"I never said that to you, not even when you are covered in goo from head to toes" he tried to pull off a insulted grimace, but the small smile on his lips said otherwise.

"No, I just have to convince you to let me get in Baby, and even after you agree, you always mumble threads about how I'm gonna clean every part of the car until it looks as good as new. Or am I wrong?" I answered in a teasing tone.

"Touché" he said as he lowered his head and his lips found mine. They felt so warm and soft against mine and I couldn't help but get lost in the kiss.

"After all I really need to shower" he admitted and I noticed the mischievous sparkle in his green eyes "Wanna join?"

You have no idea.

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