"Long Time No See" Dean X Reader

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I was sitting on my couch, flipping the pages of the book and staring at it, unconciously lying to myself that I am reading. It has been the hardest four months of my life. Four months since I lost all hope, four months since the light of my life left me. And he wasn't coming back.

I was still mentally beating myself up for what I had done to him. All this time and I was still crying myself to sleep every night, remembering my words, my arrogance, hell, my very own stupidity. It wasn't anyone's fault but mine that I didn't have enough time with him. I was the one who walked away, who left him behind, knowing that he had just a couple of weeks left, before he went to Hell.

I was really getting over the fact that he would probabbly never see me as anything more than a friend, but knowing that Dean will spend enternity in the Pit without anyone being able to help him was the last straw. One day I just gathered my things and left early in the morning, driving away as far as I could, throwing my cell at the first trashbin I saw. I didn't even say goodbye, I didn't think I could handle it. Endings were always the worst, and we as hell weren't getting a happy one.

Now I was sitting in my apartment, thinking why the hell did I decide to start this stupid cource, trying to get some degree that would probabbly never come in handy, as I turn back to hunting at some point. I just needed to do something different from hunting for a while, in order not to get completely torn appart by pain and guilt.

I my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I jumped off the couch, my eyes glued to the front door. I quietly made my way to it, silently opening the drawer of the wordrobe and taking my gun out, clicking the safety off. I rose on my fingertips and glanced through the spyhole.

My eyes widened as I extended my arm to take the silver knife out. I opened the door harshly, ready to attack the shapeshifter in front of me, the way he looked like only boiling the anger I felt in my stomach.

His hand immediately shot to my wrist, like he alredy knew what I was gonna do. "Y/N!" His voice spoke as he blocked my movement, expertly escaping the knife in my hand and making me drop it on the gound. "Y/N, it's me" He repeated, but it came out as a satisfying grunt as my leg met his lower adobmen, making him release my hand.

I looked around, my gun was in the living room where I left it, thinking it would be useless against a shifter, and there was no way I was getting to it quick enough. I was trapped and my eyes made their way back to the man, who was now holding the blade in his hand.

"Look, if I was a shifter, would I do that with a silver knife?" He said as he dragged the blade down his forearm, cutting it deep enough to draw blood. Those emerald eyes weren't leaving mine, trying to convince me in his words, looking at me in a way that was so familiar, so *Dean*.

I furrowed my eyes as I inspected the wound and slowly made my way into the kitchen, nodding at him to follow. He stepped into the house, not affected by the devil's trap, drawn on the opposite side of the doormat, his eyes still not leaving my face, looking at me with a soft, yet a little worried expression. I continued stepping back slowly and suddenly made my move, spilling the content of the glass, catching him off guard. He didn't seem hurt though, just a bit pissed as he squised his eyes as the holy water dripped down his forehead. "I'm not a demon..." He started, but I cut him off, jumping at him and pulling him against my body. "Dean..." I whispered, my eyes watering as his arms wrapped around me and gave me that feeling of safety and comfort I had missed the last months.

We stayed like that for a long time, and when I finally let go, I looked at his face "Welcome back, I guess". "**Yeah, long time no see**." "Indeed. Have a seat" I said as I extended my arm, inviting him inside "you have a hell lot of explaining to  do."

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