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2:00 PM

Joey and Cat were out at a shop eating lunch.

"How's your food kit-Kat?" Joey asked.

"It's good!! How's yours?" Cat asked.

"Very yummy!! Chicken is the best!" Joey said.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Joey asked.

"Yea,how far is the movie theatre?" Cat asked.

"Just a couple minutes." Joey said.

Joey paid for lunch then got out his vlogging camera.

"Hello everyone,me and Kit-Kat are going to the mooviiess!!! We're just gonna hang out today,nothing special!!"

5:00 PM

Joey and Cat were getting out of the movie theatre when Cat got a text from Meghan.

Meghan: Dinner? We haven't hung out in so long!! 

Cat: Sure! When and where?

Meghan: David's coming,bring Joey too.We'll pick you up okay?

Cat: Sure!

~After Dinner~

6:00 PM

The sun was setting,and Joey and Cat were on the beach.The ocean was calm,and the sand was soft.Joey and Cat were holding hands near the edge of the beach walking side by side along the shore.They were leaving a trail of footprints,(they had taken their shoes off).The water was splashing their feet.Joey rubbed his thumb across the back of Cat's hand.

They stopped walking and faced each other.Joey cupped his right hand on Cat's cheek,lifting her chin up a bit and looking into her eyes.His left hand holding hers.Joey rubbed his thumb across her cheek and leaned in for a kiss.

Cat wrapped her arms around Joey's back and lay her head on his chest,then turned her head to face the sunset.Joey put his arms over her arms and hugged her resting his head on top of hers and turning his head sideways to face the sunset.


Joey and Cat were sitting on the couch watching movies.Joey's arm was around Cat and Cat was resting her head on Joey.Cat's left arm was holding Joey's right arm.

"I'm so lucky to have a perfect girl like you." Joey said.

"Joey,I'm not perfect." Cat said.

"You may not be perfect to everyone,but in my opinion you're the definition of perfect.I see no flaws,and you get more perfect by the minute." Joey smiled.

"You're the best Joey." Cat smiled.

Joey kissed Cat's forehead and hugged her tight.


Joey and Cat were sitting at home when they heard a knock on the door.Joey got up and opened it to find Sawyer standing there.

"Hey,Sawyer." Joey said.

"Hey guys! Can I stay with you guys for a while? I'm having some issues." Sawyer said.

"You can stay with us! No problem." Joey smiled.

"Thanks guys." Sawyer said.

Haha! Short chapter bc i ran out of ideas but the next chapter is going to be uploaded today too!! If not then tomorrow 

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