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Joey blinked his eyes twice and shook his head.He looked over and saw Cat vlogging him,then realized he had been daydreaming.

"Whatcha thinkin'? Cat asked.

Joey giggled.

"Just in a lil' fantasy!" Joey said.

Cat turned her camera off and put it on the counter.

"Wanna do something today?" Cat asked.

"Let's go to the park!" Joey said.

"Should we walk to the park?" Cat asked.

Joey looked out the window to check the weather.

"We could walk!" Joey said.

"When should we go?" Cat asked.

"Hmm...let's go late at night! So we can play under the stars,and we'll be the only ones there." Joey said.

"Why?" Cat asked.

"It'll be fun,plus no kids hogging the swings!" Joey laughed.

7:30 PM

 Joey put his vlogging camera in his pocket and the two of them went out.They were walking almost  halfway to the park when Joey took Cat's hand.

What am I doing? He asked himself.

They were holding hands,halfway to the park when Joey took out his vlogging camera.

"Hello everyone! I'm here with Kit-Kat,and we're walking to the PARK!! We decided to walk because it's nice and sunny and the park isn't very far! Kit-Kat are you exciteedd??"

"Very excited! I haven't been on a swing since I was in 5th grade!" Cat said.

"Oh my goodness gracianyaass! That's gonna change today!" Joey said.

Joey turned off his camera and put it in his pocket.They finally got to the park and let go of hands.

Cat ran to the swings and jumped on.Joey pushed her high and jumped on the swing next to her.Cat jumped off the swing and Joey jumped off after her.

Cat pushed Joey,then shouted "TRY AND FIND ME" then ran and hid behind something.Joey laughed and ran in the direction she went in.

"Where are you my Kit-Kat..?" Joey said in his grandfather voice.

Joey passed Cat,then Joey turned around quickly


Cat started running and Joey chased after her.Cat climed up the ladder to the slide with Joey following after her.Joey reached her at the bottom of the slide.Joey wrapped his arms around Cat,Cat turned around to face Joey.They're laughing calmed down,and they looked each other in the eyes.They were smiling.

Joey lifted his hand up to Cat's cheek,and pulled her closer.Joey closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss.Cat wrapped her arms around Joey's back and kissed back.They separated and looked each other in the eyes.

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