Chapter 22

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I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry! Reminder of what Adelaide is wearing!! This chapter was extremely long so I split it up and made a part 2 it will be posted right after this. I would love to tell you that I actually spent time reading back over this and fixing all the mistakes and that's what was taking so long but yeah thats not the case
(Adelaide's POV)

"Europe!" He yells loudly, "they have landed. They should be here in the next ten to twenty minutes. Get ready just like we have been rehearsing."

I hear a large uproar coming from the house after he announces they have landed.

"Everyone has one goal; stay alive."

"We will come get you when they get here." Louis says causing Harry to nod then close the door.

He walks over to the couch taking a seat patting his leg

"Come here." He says

I walk over taking a seat on his lap allowing my legs to hang over his. He kisses me softly causing me to slide my hands in his hair slightly pulling. He kisses his way to my neck sucking and kissing harshly to the bruised area he left on my neck a couple days ago. Ever since then he makes sure to always make it look good and new when it begins to fade.

When ever he is sucking on my neck it feels so good. I want to allow him to feel that now. I turn around so I'm straddling him.

"I want to do that to you before you have to go." I say to him

"Do what, Give me a hickey?" He asks with a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Yes." I say a blush coming onto my cheeks.

"Okay, give it a try."

I start by kissing his lips slowly moving down as he always does. I pay attention to how his body reacts each time I move down. I make my way to just above his collar bone and his body slightly jolts and he grips my ass firmly, as his hands were already resting there. I begin sucking forcefully on that spot and stopping every so often to place a soft kiss then go back to it. I slightly bite down causing his head to fall on the back of the couch and a soft moan to escape his lips. I pull away and turn his neck to see how I did.

"I gotta say I don't think I did too bad for my first time." I say making him laugh.

He pulls out his phone and begins looking at it through his camera.

"You did very good, I'm proud of you." He says continuing to laugh.

Silence falls between us and I lay my head down on his shoulder one last time for sure. I hear his heartbeat that is beating rather quickly. He would never admit this but I think he is a little afraid of what is next to come. He has tried to prepare himself and his gang for what they may encounter. Yet no one really knows what they're planning to do.

Harry begins rubbing my back up and down like he always does when we're laying in bed together. There is no other way I'd like to spend my time then to be in Harry's arms as he holds me possibly for the last time.

(Harry's POV)

A knock sounds from the other side of the door.

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