Chapter 5

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CPOV (This is a long chapter)

"Come here, baby" I say as Ana steps into our living room.

Today was suppose to be our wedding day and even though we aren't getting married today, I still want to celebrate the day with my love. 

The last 5 months have been amazing. I have tried to recreate date with Ana but it seems to be the impromptu dates that make the biggest impact with her. We were caught in the rain one day during a walk and instead of running back to the car we decided to dance in the rain. We took a baking class, which ended with the fire department being called. I somehow set the oven on fire and we were ask not to return.  We also took an pottery class and also an painting class. I asked Ana took pick somethings she'd never think of doing and those are what she picked.  We hung up both of our paintings up in Ana's  dance studio while our clay "bowls" are on the coffee table.  Elliot laughed his ass off when he saw what I made. Only Ana's looks like a bowl while mine is a cross between bowl and plate. 

Almost losing Ana has made me realize I need to take the time to enjoy the people I love. GEH is even more popular so during the day I am now at the office building we purchased but my nights are all Ana's. I made sure that my assistant blocked out 5:30 and beyond even weekday. I do sometimes have to work on Saturday but I never work on Sunday. That is family day. I spend the morning with Ana then we go to my parents house and spend the afternoon with my parents and Ray. 

"Good evening gorgeous." I had her the single rose and give her soft lips. 

"What's the occasion?" She ask and I can't help but feel a bit sad. I know it's not her fault but it still hurts.

"Today was our original wedding date. Even though we aren't getting married today I still wanted to celebrate our love." Within a second I am on the floor and being covered with kisses. 

"I love you so much, Christian. You have no idea how much I appreciate you not pressuring me with my memory." She says as I walk us to our couch. 

"Baby.." I kiss her tears away

"Even though I don't remember our life together I felt this immediate connection and love for you. I can't imagine my life without you." 

We snuggle on the couch for a while before I hear Ana's stomach growl.

"I was thinking about ordering Chinese food for dinner." She nods and snuggles her head back into my neck

"I can't eat anymore. Why oh why did we ordered two of each?" 

"It's called leftovers baby." She nods before helping me pack up the remaining food.

"Oh, did you meet the new neighbors?" I shake my head 

"It's a family. The guy reminds me of Ray, so he must be military.  They have a daughter that has beautiful blue eyes and seems sweet. I wanted to introduce myself when I saw them moving in but decided to wait for at least a week. Maybe we can invite them to dinner?" She looks at me with her puppy dog eyes and I melt. 

"Of course we can. It would nice to get to know our neighbors." Our apartment building only has two apartments on each floor which is nice because we don't share any walls with the other apartment. 

"Since the GEH is getting bigger my father and yours mentioned that we might want to hire a security advisor. You dad recommended his half brother Jason Taylor but when he last talked to him he was living in Italy with his wife Gail and their daughter Sofia. What do you think, baby?" 

"The last time I saw uncle T, he was leaving for his deployment but I was 6 back then. I trust my dads opinion, so if he recommends Jason than I would get in contact with him an offer him a job."She smiles and hands me my phone

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