Forgiveness and Permission

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No parents. No problem. Keep a hold of your water gun, things are going to get messy.

You might not know it, but other kids actually live on the street. This isn't important until the end, but we're going to remind you about it at the beginning.

It's hard being a girl surrounded by nine guys. Seven of them holding your hand and putting you in their lap and asking you out. One of them blatantly flirting with you and the other one making you slightly anxious and probably a bit turned on, you just don't know it, cause the books you read didn't cover that.

The foreign one wants to take her to a party, but even though he was willing and obeyed, the cute nerdy one didn't like the sound of that. People didn't attack him for his jealousy though. (#poorStrongOne)

People are keeping an eye on the team and their houses.

The shady in charge adult finally catches on that she's not actually a part of the group. But he finds something he thinks he can use against her and make her tattle on them against her will. (Bad guy twirls his non existent mustache here)

It's ok, the perfect one is totally prepared for that and seems kind of blase about it. Sister hasn't been going to school. She has apparently been eating all the food though, so the gang goes grocery shopping. The half-naked pretty one lives out every junkfoodaholic's dream as he's let loose in the store. They didn't get the grill. Moderation.

Someone is following them. Sneaky maneuvering happens. Everyone is back home.

There's kissing. But not really. There's fingers. Everywhere. In their mouths, over their mouths. Some of them taste like peanuts apparently. No, that's not what I said. I said peanuts. That's kind of gross. Where have those hands been?

A football game with two dates, pictures with Erica. Awkward. Pinky holding and hand holding. Nose rubbing and more finger chewing. Let's all go party. Got to do something to make up for the miserable football team. (Note to self, remember that there's something suspicious about the football team's numbers later. I'm sure it's important but I have no freaking idea why.)

The introvert goes to a party with the foreign one, the strong, one and the grumpy one. The grumpy one loves to party. Nah, just kidding, of course he doesn't. There's beer and table hockey, which everyone knows is really called foosball.

There's this girl. She's got raven hair. We do NOT like her. The grumpy one had lots of rules for the night, but the main one - DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF YOUR CUP. Calm down grumpy one. Surely nothing bad will happen.

There's a closet and a somewhat version of seven minutes in heaven. Don't get too excited, though. It's just more fingers. She set down her cup and left it unattended. That wasn't so good. The grumpy one drinks it to stop her from doing it and he ends up drugged. Wow, who saw that coming?

It's the grumpy one unleashed. Just when it was about to get HAWT, it stops. And most of us are slightly disappointed.

Fast and the Furious ride home with a crazed and angry grumpy in the back. Of course a cop stops them. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how the mass of both the foreign one and the strong one was able to change places between the front and back seat that quickly and without the officer seeing? I'm not buying it.

Going on home, drop off grumpy on the waterbed and everyone goes to sleep. (Who has a waterbed in this day and age?) Wake up, release grumpy, more fingers, but bolder this time. Shuts grumpy up for once.

Self defense. Things get difficult again. Bananas. Like Monkeys. Duh. The grumpy one shuts up again.

School. More fake tattling to the shady in charge adult. Gym. Creepy molester adult turns out to be an actual creepy molester. Showers bad, the perfect one packs a punch. Water in the face, passes out.

Take a day off to recover. Clean out garage instead. On the trampoline there's tongue. Just not in the mouth. Weird sounding call, must run to help. No time to explain, those 10 seconds could save a life.

There's that sawdust pile. And would you look at that, someone didn't listen to the sawdust pile warnings. Well, if they didn't listen, let's not either. We'll climb up it and save them. Grumpy one yells, grips get lost and everyone falls in. Sawdust is itchy and gets everywhere. Sacrifices herself to save bratty kid.

Grumpy one yells, self defense works this time and he goes flying. Foreign one listens and does as she says (Isn't he perfect? For me. Not you.) Lots of crying. And crying. And crying. Forgiveness.

A drive to the lake with the perfect one. Sweet moment, bonding moment, empowering moment, swoon moment.

Grumpy one is now the drunk grumpy one. She figures she'll try it too. Grumpy yells some more. But now she knows he cares. She lets him yell. And life is better in grumpyland again.

Grumpy and perfect head out to visit some guy. They're not the first ones to visit. But they listen. Well, perfect listens, grumpy growls. But they can save their group. All for one and one for all. Why is this not the RH motto? And this is where the series lost readers.

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