~Scenario 5~

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Everything was going so well in the beginning, they had the upper hand. Then the reinforcements came in, they must have been their A team. Talon had them pinned down good, Mercy was exhausted from trying to keep everyone healed; she was trying to be at too many places at the same time.

Angela began to panic once she was separated from Jack. She was just a healer, her combat skills were definitely lacking. While she was looking frantically for Jack she didn't notice the small red dot that was aimed at her stomach. When she did notice it was too late, a deafening crack went off as a bullet penetrated her abdomen; excruciating pain following afterwards. Another crack went off, this one ripping off one of her wings. The angel cried out as she fell to the ground. Her mind was screaming at her to get up and move, but her body refused. She was in too much pain and shock. Was this it for her? Was this how it was all going to end?

She was losing blood fast, her skin turning sickly pale. Her once pink lips were cracked, her ocean eyes beginning to dull. She tried moving again, knowing she needed medical attention fast, but her strength was dwindling. All she was able to do was whisper a small "H-Help..."

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