~Scenario 4~

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*This one is just for funsies! Plus I could totally see Angie dancing to this :p*

It was a good day for Angela, she felt giddy and alive like how she used to. She decided to stay home and take a break from her work for once. Well somewhat relax, her house was a disaster so cleaning was in order. Angela decided to listen to some music while she cleaned. It was always something that motivated her.

Once a certain song came on she couldn't help but feel the urge to dance. It had been years since she felt this bubbly inside, feeling so light on her feet. A bright smile graced the angel's face as she began to sway a bit while cleaning. Soon it broke into full on dancing, with little giggles slipping past her pink lips. She began to sway her hips as she completely forgot about cleaning at this point, quietly singing along with the song. Angela was so busy dancing and having fun that she didn't notice that someone was watching her from her doorway.

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