Rose woke with a start. They had both fallen asleep for a few hours propped up against the wall. Oliver had his arm around her and was still asleep. A thrill went through her as she remembered their kiss and then she heard it again – the noise that had woken her: someone was unlocking the door from the other side.

'Oliver!' she nudged him awake. Immediately, he realised what was happening and they both scrambled to their feet.

Oliver felt Rose's hand creep into his and held it tightly, needing as much support as he was giving.

The door swung open to reveal the cloaked figure that had been in the centre of the stone circle.

This time, though, his hood was down and they could see he was a man in his late thirties with a scar that ran down the side of his face.

Well, thought Rose, what's a proper villain without a scar?

'Can we help you?' she asked politely.

The wizard ignored her and stomped over to Oliver.

'Turn around and put your hands behind you back,' he commanded.

Oliver did so, reasoning that at least they would find out what was going to happen to them now.

He felt his hands being tied tightly and then was spun around and dragged out of the room.

Looking at Rose over his shoulder, he saw her give a reassuring smile that didn't quite hide the worry in her face before the door was slammed behind him.

He was led down the stairs of the house they were in and shoved into the kitchen where the man slammed him into a chair. Oliver shifted uncomfortably but froze when a woman entered.

She was dressed in a black dress and had long red hair with an evil glint in her eye. She strode over to him and grabbed his chin so she could stare him in the face. After a few seconds of her eyes searching him, she grunted and wheeled around to smack the wizard who had brought him in in the face.

'This isn't the boy, you fool! Does he look like the son of King Arthur to you?'

Oliver gasped as he realised what had happened: the man had thought he was Tom!

The wizard, who had seemed so formidable at first sight, cowered at the wrath of the woman.

'Sorry, so sorry, Your Ladyship,' he scurried from the room.

'Ladyship?' frowned Oliver.

The woman turned back to Oliver, 'I am Morgana le Fey.'

Oliver swore inwardly. He remembered Tom talking about her – she was one of the most dangerous enemies of Camelot. And now he and Rose were her prisoners. Great.

'Where is the boy?' she demanded.

Oliver tried to look innocent, 'which boy?'

'Prince Thomas!' she hissed. 'I gave specific instructions to that fool; the gas should have knocked you all out! Why did he only bring you and the girl back?'

Oliver hesitated. He and Rose had worked out earlier that it was probably because it didn't affect anyone with magic, although it didn't explain why Will wasn't with them.

However, he had been silent for too long and Morgana le Fey had lost patience with him.

'Tell me!' She gave him a slap across his cheek which sent him flying off the chair and he landed on the floor, gasping. He tried to push himself to his feet, which was not easy with his hands still tied behind his back.

'I-I don't think the gas worked on anyone with magic,' he stammered. He managed to stand up and faced her defiantly.

At his words, Morgana le Fey stood stock still. Then:

'So it would appear. No matter – it is probable that Thomas will come and find you in any case.'

'You're going to keep us as hostages?' Oliver felt his heart sink. But, he thought, at least it will make it easier for Tom and the others to find us.

She ignored him and shouted for the man with the scar, who came hurrying back in.

'Take him back upstairs,' she instructed.

Oliver was taken back to the attic room and shoved inside. Rose caught him, her eyes narrowing as she saw the mark on his cheek.

'What happened?' she demanded, untying his hands.

'That man – he's not really in charge, I've just met Morgana le Fey, Tom was saying that she was one of the really bad guys- anyway, he thought I was Tom and now they know they haven't got him, we're going to be bait for him if he can find us.'

Oliver realised what he had said and his eyes met Rose's.

'If?' she said. 

To Break a CurseWhere stories live. Discover now