Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I was running, running from the bodies. The bodies that laid in the great hall and all around Hogwarts, on the night of the war. Trying to get away from their torturous screams and insults. I tripped, running up the stairs, looking back to find Fred, Remus, Snape and an army of dead people following me. "No!" I screamed. Everything went dark. "You're worthless Harry!" "You're not a saviour, you couldn't even save us!" "Useless faggot!" The ground shook and the bodies fell limp around Harry. "Help us Harry!" "You can't save us!" "You let us down!" "You killed us!"

Third person POV

Harry's eyes shot open and he sat straight up right, immediately feeling nauseous. He was drenched in sweat and salty tears slid their way down his mouth, as he sobbed into his shaking hands. Harry quickly made his way to the bathroom before he vomited into the toilet. He emptied the contents of his stomach and sat against the cold, tile wall to try and clam himself down. I can't do this. I can't live with this guilt. Those two thoughts were running through Harry's mind while he looked at the scars on the dark mark. He than understood why Draco did it.

There was a knock on the door. "Harry, are you alright?" Draco asked in a slightly worried tone. "I'm fine." Harry dismissed him. "No your not, let me in." Draco waited for a response as Harry reached up to the door handle to unlock it. Draco screwed up his nose at the smell and looked down to find Harry next to the door, in the same position he found him in yesterday. Draco flushed the toilet, received a towel for Harry and some mouthwash. "Now, tell me what's wrong." Draco said as he sat next to Harry and snaked his arm around his back, Harry immediately relaxed into Draco's side. "I already told, you I'm fine." Harry bit at Draco. "Oh yeah, because the violent shaking, tear stained face and you're clothes being covered in sweat, tell me that 'your fine'." Draco said sarcastically and Harry shot him a look that could kill. Harry rolled his eyes and told Draco about his dream. "But I don't understand why my nightmares went away when I got here, but now I'm in your body, and they come back." Harry said and looked to Draco for an answer, even if he didn't know. "Well, I had dreams as well, but they were mainly about my feather finding out I was gay or Voldemort killing my Mother, if I didn't complete my tasks." Draco admitted. "I-I didn't know you had nightmares Draco." Harry looked him with pain in his eyes. "I haven't had any since I was in the Manor." Draco explained. "Since I've had you."

The two boys were holding each other, sitting on the bathroom floor, against the wall, at four am on Saturday morning. Harry was now completely calm, due to Draco's comforting hug and soothing voice. "Do you think I had that dream because I'm in your body?" Harry asked after a long silence. "Dunno, maybe. But we need to get back to our own bodies quickly, I don't think I could get used kissing my own lips, any time soon." Draco replied and they both slightly laughed. "Do you want to go back to bed?" Harry whispered to Draco. "Sure, but why are we whispering?" Draco asked as they made their way back to bed. "Not sure." Harry replied, still whispering. "Okay." Draco finally said in a normal voice. Both boys were now snuggled back in bed, Draco was still getting used to being the smaller spoon. "We'll be back in our own bodies soon ferret." Harry assured and kissed Draco's neck. "I'm sure we will scar head." Draco teased. Harry definitely wasn't going back to sleep after that dream, so he watched Draco sleep peacefully until it was time for breakfast.

For Harry, breakfast couldn't end sooner but for Draco, it ended too quickly. Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Hermione couldn't get their heads around Draco and Harry being in each others bodies. Draco liked seeing them so confused and Harry was even more confused than he already was. Every time someone would talk to Draco, they would look at Harry (being in Draco's body) but both boys, Draco and Harry, would reply with, "yes?" And vice versa for Harry. "So Ron, have you finally decided to accept me yet?" Draco joked, in Harry's body. Ron didn't quite know who to death glare while Hermione, Blaise and Pansy, laughed at his confusion. Harry was quite annoyed at Draco's attempt to make a joke, seeing as they both needed Ron's approval to switch back to normal, but Harry knew he had to get Draco back, without starting an argument.

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