Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Last night I couldn't sleep. I felt as if I was all alone, like I had been abandoned but Draco was right there only a metre away. I wanted to feel his body wrap around mine, his warmth next to my side but I was cold and he wasn't there. "Draco, are you awake?" I wasn't expecting an answer seeing it was so late. "Yeah, you can't sleep either?" He replied, in a strained voice. "No, I need my snuggle buddy." I smiled and crawled in next to Draco. I kissed his cheek as I went to slide in. Hang on, his cheek isn't normally that wet. "Draco." I pulled him into my waist and rubbed his back, as he let all of his feelings for nearly three hours. Draco eventually wore himself out and fell asleep in my arms, I shifted us into a more comfortable position and I realised just how tired I was, in the embrace of Draco.

In the morning we were woken up by Hermione nagging us to go on a morning hike with the other four. As I got dresses and packed everything for the hike, I thought, Whatever Draco was upset about, really struck a nerve. I didn't want to him revisit that place if it hurt so bad. I decided not to push it if he didn't want to tell me. Draco turned in his sleep and opened one eye. "Morning." I smiled at him and he kissed my nose. "What's the time?" He asked as shifted his weight onto his elbows. I cast a tempus spell and the time read five: sixteen am.

It was still dark outside but I was excited about this hike, unlike Draco. "Do I even have to go on this stupid walk thing.?" Draco complained as he got dresses. "Yes, and we're waiting on you so hurry up." I said, waiting by our tent. Draco hadn't said anything about last night, he acted like it never even happened. We walked over dead, wet leaves and crunchy twigs, in the dark. "When are we stopping for breakfast?" Ron asked in a whiny voice. "When we get to the top of the cliff." Pansy said in her happy, high pitched tone, how can she have that much energy, this early in the morning? Draco was behind me looking like he had died, I wasn't sure wether is was because he was upset or tired. I waited for him and grabbed his hand as we continued walking. "Are you alright?" I asked him quietly so the others didn't hear. Draco bit his lip and replied with a hum, I squeezed his hand. "If you need to talk about anything, I'm right here." I kissed his cheek and he gave me a half smile. We kept walking but we were a bit behind the others.

We finally reached the top of the cliff just before sunrise. "I see why you bought us here Pans'." Blaise said, munching on an apple. "Yeah, it's beautiful. How did you find this?" Hermione asked as she sat next to Ron. Draco was smiling at the amazing view of the sunrise over the forest, he was just so perfect. We were still holding hands and he squeezed mine, "You know it's rude to stare potter." He gave me a sideways smirk, and pulled me in for a hug. He had his arms around my shoulders basically squeezing my head, I had my head in his chest and arms around his waist. Draco's voice was muffled, "Out of all the people I could be with, I'm quite surprised it's you."  "Thanks." I cut in sarcastically. "I wasn't finished. Although I'm surprised that I'm with you, I couldn't be any happier." His voice still muffled but my hoodie. I smiled with my face still in Draco's chest.

We got back to the campsite for lunch, we were all sitting on the logs. "Who's coming swimming with me?" Hermione looked directly at Ron. We all stared at her in disbelief. "You're joking." Ron finally said. "We can put a charm on the water." Hermione said, she knew exactly what we were worried about. "I didn't bring swimmers." Ron said with a mouth full of beans. "We can accio them." Hermione shrugged. "Fine, but everyone else has to come as well." Ron folded his arms. We all nodded in agreement. I knew Ron had a confidence problem with his body, he hated the way he looked so I made sure to find out if he was okay before we started swimming.

We were all ready to go to the lake. "'Mione, you sure you know the right spells?" Ron asked, he sounded quite unsure of the situation. "Ron did you really just ask me that?" Hermione said cockily, but she had a point. I walked to Ron's side. "You alright mate?" I elbowed his arm. "I just don't want 'Mione, or the others to see me, I'm not ready." He said in a whisper. "What about all those nights at the burrow?" I asked. "That's different, we were in the dark so she couldn't see me."  He looked down hat his shoes. "Ron, we don't care what you look like. You could have a pig snout and utters for all we care." I tried to cheer him up, he chuckled. I needed to talk to Hermione but I didn't know how tell her without Ron seeing. I got it. "Hey can I borrow some toothpaste?" I asked Ron. Where did toothpaste come from? Why not something like deodorant? "Um, yeah okay? I'll go get it." He gave me a weird look but he was gone. I ran to Hermione who was checking the water out. "Hey 'mione?" I asked. "Yeah Harry?" She replied. "Just don't push Ron into anything he doesn't want to okay." I said a bit quieter. "Yeah, why? Is he okay?" She asked, slightly worried. "He isn't very confident in his appearance, body wise. So just make sure he's comfortable." She nodded and I ran to get the toothpaste from Ron.

After we all went swimming, which Ron was enjoying after a few words from Hermione, I would have to ask her about later, we sat down for dinner. We ate chicken soup, which the house elves packed for us in tins. Draco stood up and grabbed my hand. I put down my soup and he pulled me into the tent, we sat down across from Each other with our legs crossed, still holding hands. "Thanks." Draco said sheepishly looking down at his lap. He didn't clarify what he was saying thank you for, but I knew. I pulled myself up onto his lap and kissed his gorgeously soft lips. He let me in and gave me dominance, I scaled every inch of his mouth. He sucked gently on my tongue and while he ran his fingers though my messy black bed hair. We broke apart for air with our noses pressed together, I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks. "I know I was a horrible prat to you, and everyone, I treated you all awfully I am so sorry. I only did that because that's all I knew. I was never shown love by either of my parents and I only ever wanted to make them proud, so I thought if I acted like them, they would notice me. I've never had someone care about me like you do." Draco admitted. Draco's head was buried in my neck, I wrapped my arms around him and whispered back, "Draco, I'm here and I always will be. I want to give you the love you missed out on, the love you deserve. I know we've only been together for a week, if that, but i don't care, because you're like my missing piece that I never knew I lost. Now I've found you, I'm not letting go." I felt a wet patch on my shirt, I made him cry. I pulled Draco off of my shoulder to see him with teary eyes and a weak smile. "I don't deserve you." He said with a sad laugh. "You deserve every little bit of me." I said and kissed his nose. Pansy poked her head in the tent, "We've got marshmallows to roast if you want to join us." She said and gave a half smile when she was Draco's face. "Yeah we'll be there in a second. Save us some." I said. "I can't promise anything!" She yelled at she walked back to the fire.

We went back out, roasted marshmallows and sat around talking for a bit. At around midnight we decided to go back to our tents and I had to return Ron's toothpaste but I found Hermione packing up the soup. "Hey 'Mione, can you give this to Ron please?" I said handing her the toothpaste. "Yeah sure." She took the toothpaste and put it n her pocket. "Hey, what did you tell Ron to make him go swimming?" I cocked my head, she smiled at me. "Oh nothing too big." She said. "Alright, night 'Mione." I turned toward the tent. "Goodnight Harry."  Hermione chirped and walked toward her tent. I snuggled with Draco once I was in my pyjamas. "Can't Wait to have a shower tomorrow." I said. "Yeah, I don't know how you actually enjoy camping, Harry." Draco snarled, I chuckled. "Night ferret." I teased. "Night scarehead." Draco retailed. I kissed his lips and fell asleep with ease, in the comfort of Draco.

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