Chapter 2

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Draco's POV

After the war all of the death eaters had a trial and either went to azkaban or died, including my Mother and Father. I was left with the manor  and the family fortune. I'm not too upset about my parents, they were both abusive and horrible no wonder I turned out like I did. Mother and Father got married, they both accepted to be death eaters and so my mother had to go to prison after the war, she didn't last long before the dementors got her but Father is still hanging in there.

I was standing in my fathers cell, against the black and red stained stone wall. He had shackles on which were bolted to the middle of the grey concrete floor. "You put me in here, you are the reason we didn't win the war, you are the most disgusting, disappointing death eater, you aren't my son and you never were!" My Father yelled at me.  Lucius Malfoy broke out of his shackles and was now standing over Draco. "No  Father please" Draco pleaded with his father to stop but Lucius hit him over and over until Draco couldn't breath. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A FUCKING FAGGOT! A DISAPPOINTMENT! A USLESS WASTE OF SPACE! I HATE YOU! YOU WERE NEVER MY SON!" he screamed at Draco.

My eyes shot open and I bolted upright just as Pansy burst in the room, "Draco!" Pansy  yelled in concern. Pansy's parents also had to go to azkaban so she now lives with me, we both weren't very fond of our parents. She sat on my bed and wrapped me in a comforting hug. I was drenched in sweat and violently sobbing into Pansy's chest." Shh Draco. I'm here, he can't get to you." I nod in response and she kisses my messy bleach blond hair and lays with me in her arms until she fell asleep. I lay awake the rest of the night thinking about my father. He hasn't has the dementors kiss yet, he can still get me, he will kill me.

Pansy's POV
I woke up to an empty bed...Draco's empty bed.  Shit. "Draco?" I yelled hoping for an answer. I yanked the covers off of me and bolted out the door, I went straight to the bathroom and prayed this wasn't like last time.

Draco had another dream so I went and lay with him but he wasn't there when I woke up. I though nothing of it so I went back to sleep to later wake up and find Draco passed out on the bathroom floor. He had cuts all up his wrist, over the dark mark. "Draco?!" I cried. I had tears streaming down my face as I felt for a pulse good he's still Alive. I put a healing charm on him and used the recovering potions in the kitchen.
End of flashback

The bathroom was empty, I didn't know if this was good or bad until I turned into the kitchen to find Draco eating cereal, relief washed over me. He was dresses in muggle clothes, Which he wore a lot of since his father is gone, A button up green silk shirt and dark blue skinny jeans with white converse and his hair pushed to the side of his face. "What took you so long sleeping beauty?" Draco teased. What? Where did sleeping beauty come from? Seeing the confused look on my face he explained that sleeping beauty was a muggle story. I didn't ask about the dream last night, knowing he would be put out of his chirpy mood. "You excited for tomorrow?" Draco asked. Tomorrow? What's tomorrow? Draco again saw the confused look on me face and rolled his eyes. "Honestly Pansy, you'd think you were the one who got no sleep last night. Tomorrow is the re-opening of Hogwarts." He said it like I was stupid. Than it hit like a ton of bricks, shit school tomorrow and we don't even have books. And for the third time that morning Draco read my mind. "Relax will you, we'll go to diagon alley today and get everything we need." Draco said with a smile and placed his hand over mine comfortingly. Too bad he's gay I though to myself.

Draco's POV

Pansy was finally ready after three hours, must be a girl thing. We Apparated to diagon alley. I got a head spin and collapsed, Pansy laughed at me instead of helping me up. "What a friend you are." I said with fake venom and a smirk. "Oh well maybe next time I won't come lay with when you have a nightmare." Pansy retorted with sas. I stuck my middle finger up at her and she acted offended with a hand on her chest her mouth in an 'o' shape. Why did I have to be gay, this woman is perfect for me.

I needed new robed and Pansy needed new books so we slit up and planed to meet at the leaky cauldron in forty minutes.

I purchased all my robes and I was about to make my way the the leaky cauldron when boom! I run right into Harry Potter. I stared right into his bright green eyes, I had never noticed how amazing his eyes were, probably because he had glasses before.((Harry has contacts in this story)) I was snapped out of my thoughts "What ferret forget how to talk?" He joked, his voice had dropped a considerable amount since the war it sounded hot. "Oh Shut your pretty little face Potter." I retailed. Where did pretty come from? I hadn't realised we were staring at each other until Granger cleared her throat." Excuse me for breaking up this little love fest but we hurry up Harry." Hermione stated. No don't go, oh wait tomorrow's Hogwarts, I'll see him tomorrow! Hold on, what? "See you tomorrow scarehead." I blurted out without realising. What was that all about?

I met up with Pansy and we apparated back home. I told her about the whole meeting with Potter and Granger over dinner, which was spaghetti bolognese, a great muggle dish might I add. Pansy is the only person who knows I'm gay so it surprised me when she said; "Maybe you like him." "No! Pansy I do not like Harry Potter." I blushed because she and I both knew it was true, I had a crush on Harry Potter.

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