"I'm sure your girl liked you too! I overheard their quiet friend telling that ginger dude that they all lived together. If Tommy ever gets the balls to text that Natalie chick I'm sure she'd hook it up with Teagan's number," Brett nudged Tommy in the shoulder.

"I probably will eventually, don't be a dick, Brett," Tommy said flatly. "I don't wanna come off desperate, I'm sure she gets guys' numbers at the bar all the time."

"Whatever," Brett said, "We're all single, we're in a band. I'm sure we're going to come across lots of girls to fuck. But the last thing we need are any weighing us down. Fuck 'em." He smashed the beer can with his fist before continuing, "You guys wanna get Chipotle?"

"I'm down," Tommy said. "But you're buying my burrito for being an asshole."

"Keep dreaming my dude. Leo?"

"Can't," I said shaking my head. "I'm on Sofie duty in an hour. I'll be back later tonight"

"That's right. Alright, well if you want us to grab you anything let me know."

I stood up and groaned, feeling like my head was going to fucking burst. I pushed my mop of hair from my face and stretched. "Will do. I'm gonna hop in the shower, I'll catch you guys later."


I pulled up in front of my childhood home and turned off my 2013 Land Rover. I walked up the cobblestone entry way, trying to avoid the fallen olives. My family had a huge olive tree right in our front yard that was constantly shedding the little black balls all over the goddamn place. When I was younger, I used to do his best to stomp on all of them when I walked down the driveway to carpool for school. My mom was constantly yelling at me to stop dragging squished olives through the house on my shoes. I smiled at the memory. I was pretty sure that Sofie had picked up the habit too. Just like her big brother.

"Hey mom, dad," I shouted as I opened the front door. Our house was warm. That's the best way I could think to describe it. We had more than one yellow wall and it was just big enough for the four of us growing up. It had a smell that instantly softened the blow of my hangover. It just smelled like home.

"Leo!" Sofie came shooting down the hallway like a rocket, instantly clinging to my right leg.

Just seeing her had me grinning from ear to ear. "Hey there little Sof, whatcha doin?"

"Leo," my mom said as she hurried down the stairs. "You're just in time. Thanks again for doing this, honey. I know it was sort of last minute."

Just then my dad entered in from the garage wearing a suit and button down. "No worries, Mom. Lookin' sharp Dad."

"Thanks kid," he replied, "Don't wanna embarrass your mom in front of her work friends. Gotta look spiffy. Shelley are we actually planning on buying anything at this auction?"

"Um," his mom started to gather her coat from the small closet under the stairs, "realistically no. Everything is so expensive! But we should bid so it looks like we're intending to. And then just hope that we actually don't. Is that horrible?"

"You're definitely hell bound hun," My dad joked.

"Oh, Leo, my fourth grade class put together the cutest basket for the auction. Everything in it is baseball themed and it even has two tickets to the Giant's game along with some crafts they made." My mom was a teacher at the elementary school teacher

"Sounds cute."

"Sounds cute!" Sofie mimicked me.

I beamed down at her, before scooping her up under the arms. "You're cute!" I did a 180 before setting her down to my other side. I turned to my mom, "Anything I should know today? How was the week?"

"No, she's alright today," she replied, "She had a hard day at school yesterday. The teacher called on her but she didn't answer and a few boys made fun of her for not saying anything. They kept calling her weird and deaf. Stupid, isn't it? They must have meant mute but couldn't even tease her right. I'm not happy about it, her teacher should have known better."

I nodded, feeling my fist clench at my side. Kids are such assholes sometimes. That teacher is lucky that I'm not attending this auction, or else I'd put the fist to use. I didn't say anything else out of fear that if I spoke outloud I'd take the anger he felt upon hearing that out on the messenger.

"Ready?" My dad asked his mom.

"Yes, let me just find my-."

"Right here," he said handing off her purse to her. She smiled up at him knowingly. I watched the interaction and felt my anger melt away for the moment. I felt blessed knowing that not only were my parents incredible parents and role models for both myself and Sofie, but they were inexplicably in love with each other, even after 26 years.

"Okay, we're off! Have fun tonight, don't keep her up too late," my mom remarked as she kissed them both on top of the head.

"Enjoy your auction, lovebirds," I replied. I went and locked the door behind them before turning to Sofie, "So, what do you wanna do tonight little one?"

"Connect Four and Thumbelina!"

I forced a smile. "But we just watched Thumbelina last week!" I'll be honest, I fuck with Thumbelina. There's some catchy ass music in that movie. But I had watched it with Sofie at least five times in the last few weeks and if I had to hear that beetle sing one more time I thought I might lose my mind.

"Let me be your wings..." she began singing, and I sighed, defeated. She was so cute and excited and just... happy. There was no way I could refuse. Especially after the shit day she had had yesterday. If she wanted me to dress up as the damn beetle and do a jig I probably would. I went into the kitchen to make some mac n cheese and dino nuggets for the two of us, and she joined me by sitting on the kitchen floor with her favorite doll.

"I met a cute girl last night Sof," I said outloud, not expecting her to follow the conversation.

To my surprise, she looked up at me, "Cute like me?"

I laughed. "A little different, but yes, both of you guys are cute. Her name was Teagan."

"Teeeeea-gan," she repeated, elongating her name. "Does she have a lot more friends than me?"

I felt my heart sink. I stirred the mac n cheese while I thought about the best thing to say to comfort her. Sofie was my entire world, and I absolutely hated anytime someone made her feel less than the perfect little girl she was. That included her being hard on herself, innocent and naive or not. I crouched down so that I was eye level with her. "Sof," I said finally, "You have friends, just not very good ones. When you find the good ones you'll know, because they make you feel good all the time. But you know what? You have the best friend of all. You have me."

She smiled, satisfied with my answer. "Yeah. You're my best friend. And now Teeeeagan too!"

Teagan. I wanted to see her again. I need to find this girl.

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