Chapter 2 - Unpacking and first (?) meetings...

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Moving in was easy enough, easy enough when you tried to forget how stressful it was. The stress was ultimately added to by your roommate who hardly approved of anything you brought through the door, even a pair of fluffy socks didn't meet his irrationally high standards! You tell this would be a very long day and would most likely end up with most of your things either in the bin or hidden out of sight as not to irritate the oh so high and mighty Sherlock Holmes. You swear he had in for you even though you had only met him yesterday, he seemed adamant in putting you off. You were stubborn however and were very adaptable, especially to arsehole-ish characters such as him. You had dealt with a few people like this in the past and you surprising could put up with them rather easily.

He was frowning currently at a box of yours with a lamp sticking out at a very awkward angle which it had not been doing five minutes ago before he turned his attention to it. You felt that if he were tested his maturity age would be that of a three year old, considering his actions recently this seemed very very accurate. At that moment he picked up the aforementioned lamp and threw it across the room.

"HEY! What was that for?" You said in half surprise, half anger.

"I wanted to see if it was durable enough to live here," he said still staring at the point on the wall it had hit, after a pause he walked over to the now destroyed lamp and picked up the pieces gingerly, "evidently not."

You sighed deeply, pinched the bridge of your nose and walked back down the corridor to the bathroom. Without another word you locked the door and sat down on the toilet seat, deep breaths...deep breaths...deep breaths...

You always had to remind yourself to clam down before something bad happened and you lost control. It was always situations like this that set you off, and when something like that happened you couldn't see past the hot rage that controlled your actions format here on in. Last time that happened five people were found dead and you were long gone. I'm not going to let this consume me again, you thought, this is the one thing I will resist, I will not kill again. That is in the past, I am not that person anymore.

"_____?" You heard a voice of the source of irritation outside of the door, "are you okay?" He sounded concerned, or as close to concern the consulting detecting could come.

Much better now that you're out there and I'm in here, you thought bitterly but the sentence that exited your mouth somewhat differed to your mental voice, "I'm fine, just on the loo you know?"

"Oh, okay. I'll leave you to it then," he said, he sounded a little embarrassed admittedly but you tried to brush it off as he padded back down the corridor, surely going to destroy yet more of your possessions because they don't meet his specifications.

You unlocked the door after another ten minutes of trying to forget the stressful thoughts that - for some reason - would not leave your head. You entered the living room and looked around suspiciously, it seemed that the detective had left alone the rest of your belongings, (odd) and had sulked off to his room. A walk would calm you down you mused as you decided to put your coat scarf and shoes on.

Just about to put your hand on the doorknob someone darted in between you and the door, "leaving so soon? I thought you had just started to unpack?" The sarcasm was just dripping form his voice, it almost made you sick.

"I thought that a walk would help me to keep my mind off of the stress of moving house," you said truthfully, finally looking up to meet the grey calculating eyes who were - you guessed - judging you belong belief.

"And what good would that do you? John and Mary have just arrived, and you were about to miss the introductions, and that wouldn't be very good would it? Seeing as you would be the person that they were supposed to be having introductions with," he cocked an eyebrow, still blocking the door in the most frustrating fashion. This was because as soon as your tried to dodge out of the way and grab the handle, he seemed to see what you were about to do miles away and blocked the way yet again with his torso.

His little speech made you pause however, "who's John and Mary?" It seemed you were the only one who had been kept out of the loop for this arrangement as you heard two pairs of footsteps climbing up the stairs. You stepped back reluctantly, letting Sherlock open the door for the two people. Before he did so however he whispered, "at least let me introduce you, you can then escape for as long as you like." It seemed fair enough as a deal so you nodded your head just as the two people, supposedly John and Mary, stepped into the room.

You froze, no, you thought, no this can't be, she's...she's dead...

"Hello!" The cheerful man in front of you said, snapping you back to the moment at hand. Your mask was on now, business could continue later, "you must be _____, pleasure to meet you," he held out a hand for you to shake, you mirrored the action and smiled sweetly.

"You too," your eyes glanced over to the woman next to him, you mask still on, "and of course, you must be Mary, correct?"

"Oh yes!" You saw her right eye twitch slightly, hardly anything but you noticed it, she was lying, "nice to meet you as well, Sherlock wouldn't shut up about you on the phone last night!"

Your eyes then shifted over to man who hadn't said anything since the couple before you had walked in. You raised and eyebrows and smirked a little, the detective was blushing slightly, a rose tint to his cheeks, "Is that so?"

This should be interesting...

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