Chapter Fourteen

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^This song is U & I from an anime called K-On!! The lyrics really remind me of Wyn's and Daniel's relationship.

I rushed over roots and low lying plants, panic driving me forward. My bare feet scrapped many rocks as I hopped over them, leaving small trails of blood in my wake. I could feel cuts and bruises forming over my skin as tree branches whacked into me from all sides. Anxiety was the blood that pumped through my veins.

Pan's shadow coated me in a coolness as it passed over me. The man flew overhead, his panic the cause of my own frantic pursuit.

Calla had ignited this alarm with a simple ill aimed question.

Pan had sealed his lips and refused to answer any of my questions. Guilt had eaten away at his frame as he had launched himself into the air.

I had taken off before anyone could stop me. Deep within my heart, I knew the direction that the man was headed in.

My brother was alright. It become a mantra in my thoughts that kept me sane enough to follow the shadow in the sky. It kept my path sure and steady.

Several smaller shadows came in Pan's wake, each their own unique size. The Lost Boys following their leader.

Fear wound its way tight around my throat, a choking rope threatening to break me in half.

My brother was alright.

I ran faster, the obstacles in my path mere foothills compared to the mountain of concern pushing my body onward.

Behind me, someone crashed through the foliage in my newly shorn path, their size around my own slight one. Their labored breaths kept me company as I continued forward in a frightened fashion. The person kept rhyme with me through the Never forest, over the rocks and tree roots.

The sun beat down on me, the rays heating my skin uncomfortably. Sweat poured off me in droplets, working desperately to cool me. The plants crowding around were harsher the faster I elbowed myself through them. They whipped back into their spots with unrelenting speed and resilience after I passed by.

I pushed huge leaves larger than my hand aside, revealing a familiar clearing just ahead. Light filtered through branches into the open space like hope at the end of a tunnel.

My brother was alright.

I bypassed the odd scenery of the meadow, my mind lost in fields of worry. The wavering grass did little to hinder my hurried steps as I propelled forward. Not even the darkened corners of the forest were enough to scare me from my frantic path.

I reached the weathered stump in no time, the panic in my veins not dulling even a drop. I wouldn't stop, not until I had my answers.

Not until I knew for sure if Daniel was fine.

My fingers shook like a leaf in the middle of a hurricane as I unlocked the slide hidden within the wood. The panel slid away with a quiet hiss and a small shudder.

My brother was alright.

My eyes focused ahead, propelling me onto the slide, and before I knew it, darkness was crowding in on me. It was everywhere around me, within me, as I descended into the caverns. The slight tang of dried salt hung in the air before the aroma of musky soil overwhelmed it.

My feet hit the compact floor with a low thud. This time, I was properly prepared to catch myself.

Dust wafted up from the ground.

I waited barely a second before I sprinted off, feet pounding as I raced the length of the floor. Dirt rose around me like a smothering fog. With a cough and a sneeze, I didn't slow my stride.

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