Finding out

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I wake up just like every other day and I get up and get ready for school. I have this weird feeling like today will be different some how. I run down to the bus stop and everyone doesn't move away from her they just stand there. I knew today would be different I say in my mind. I step on the bus and someone throws something at me and yells ugly I sit down and think maybe I am just imagining it will be different maybe they didn't notice me at the bus stop. We arrive at school a minute later. I step off and run to the bathroom I close the stall, pull my feet up to my chest all that is going threw my mind is ugly,stupid,fat,emo,goth I just wanna die my parents don't know I get bullied. I don't even think anyone knows I exist.

*time skip*

Middle of school someone shoves me into a locker and yells go die you don't matter to anyone. I start to believe it after a while of hearing it. I look at a girl over across the hall and someone is bullying her i walk over and shove him away from her he says you wanna get beat too. try to I say he starts to walk towards me and shoves me i walk up and punch him in the face and knee him in the stomach he walks away dazed i have never done that before. She looks at me shocked i have no words she is gorgeous i have never felt this way before i think i like girls she says why did you do that i snap out of my day dream oh i did it because i know what it's like to be bullied it sucks i have been bullied for three years you feel helpless. By the way my name is lily and you are. Hi i am rose nice to meet you she says your gorgeous I say in my head or at least I thought I did excuse me she says oh um I didn't say anything I say yes you did you said I am gorgeous she says yes I blush. Are you gay she says well I don't know I am bysexual I say oh she says so am I. I am surprised she is bysexual too. Do you wanna be friends I say ya that would be great she says

*time skip*

I get home and I go and scream in my room I have never had a friend before I also think we will be good friends I go to bed early still incredibly shocked at how beautiful she is.

*time skip* two weeks later in the morning

Morning comes and I go to school and she is at my locker hey I say hey she says I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today after school she says yeah let me ask my dad I say I pull out my I phone and call him hey dad can I go home with my friend I say yeah that's fine be home at or before ten o clock bye he says bye I end the phone call. I look over and say yeah I can stay until ten I say that's awesome she says I have a surprise in store she says

*time skip*

End of school turns out me and rose have almost have all of our classes together I go home with her on the bus. We arrive at her house and it is gorgeous. Let me go grab my keys to my car she says okay where are we going I reply we are going to my barn she says your barn I say confused yeah get in my car. We drive to a place I don't know we get out and walk to the stalls as she calls them there are beautiful horses inside. I have always wanted to ride a horse, I think they are gorgeous animals with such a uniqueness I say well pick a horse she says I see a beautiful brown and white paint in a stall at the end. I walk over and say can I ride this one well he is new and I don't want you to get hurt. I won't I am good with horses I say NO she replies angrily I didn't know I am sorry I say but walk into the stall anyway she turns around and sees me petting him and looks shocked heeeee has never let anyone touch him she says shocked oh I had a horse before I am really good with them but so can i ride the brown quarter horse across the hall i say yeah get him and lets tack up

*time skip*

We tack up and ride until nine o clock

We brush the horses and put them up and go sit by the pond she looks over and i stare into her beautiful brown hazel eyes she says i like you and you might not like me but i have never had as much fun as i have had with you. I lean in and kiss her soft sweet lips. I think that is a yes she says we are officially dating i say she drives me home later that night I dream all night about my day.

Authors note: Hope you enjoy, new chapter tomorrow

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