Chapter 13

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Alfie drove them himself in his own motorcar to The Cove, a swanky cocktail bar on the upside of town that catered to well known faces and the rich. It had exotic dancers flaunting feather boas, hosted guest appearances from the latest singers and showcased a menu full of weird and wonderful cocktail liquor.

He knew before they arrived that Cora would fit right in. It was a mix of stylish, moderninity with a touch of class. He had brought a woman here in the past when he fancied playing the courting game but it turned out she had been way too morally loose and he had finished the night in the ladies room with her legs wrapped around his waist against a cubicle wall. He never saw her again after that, never wanted to.

Cora was of the higher standard of lady though and he was proud to have her on his arm even if it was going to be a short-lived affair. When they pulled up outside he gave her a small tight lipped smile, left the driver's side of his vehicle and plodded around to hers, opening the door for her in a gentlemanly gesture and taking her gloved hand to assist her down the little step. Once she was on cobbles, he shut the door behind her and held his arm out for her to take.  It was another display of a couple courting and he enjoyed the illusion whilst he still could.

They entered the threshold together, the door opened for them by men in dark suits and Cora's eyes widened abruptly at the sight to behold in front of her. He must have brought her to the most high end place he could've found or known of. Places of luxury like this weren't something you saw often in London, especially so close to the end of the war. She took it all in with her eyes as he led her in purposefully pointing to a booth in the far corner of the large room where they could steal some privacy. Her green eyes scanned the perimeter in awe, almost chuckling to herself as she noted the stark contrast between this place and the Barrel where they had shared that first evening together outside from work.

In here there was a raised stage, with a backdrop full of white twinkling lights draping downwards and glinting in the dim glow. Red curtains with fancy gold embroidery hung around the place, and pictures of well known singers and actors hung in frames behind the polished mahogany bar. The place was already buzzing with socialites and a band was setting up on stage.

As they entered fully, a gentleman in a top hat and tailored blazer took her cape from her slim shoulders, whilst a small older lady holding a bunch of roses passed one to Alfie with a wide smile. "A rose for the lady, good sir, 5 pence" she said.

"Il take a dozen" Alfie said, reaching for his leather wallet in his pocket until Cora stopped him with a giggle and a hand on his arm.

"No he won't, just the one will do me fine" she insisted, taking the stem from his hand and burying her nose in the ruby petals. She was certain her cheeks were currently the same shade of red.

After finding their seats Alfie made sure she was comfortable on the velvet backrest before he wandered off to collect them a drink. The band were starting to play a sweet melody of classical music and the volume was far from overpowering, the rumble of voices sophisticated and low, not at all like the crowd in the Barrel. She wasn't sure which she preferred anymore however, she had been able to be herself in the lower class public house, to let loose with drinking and meet friends without judgment. Here the people she saw looking at her disapprovingly on the arm of a gangster Jew, would probably faint from shock if she did her country dancing or kissed Alfie on his mouth.

After a few moments he returned holding a wide rimmed glass full of orange coloured liqueur, a mixture of fruit placed around the sides with a trace of sugar as a decorative rim. She looked at it in wonderment, sipping at it generously and choking at its strength. Alfie smirked as he knocked down a chug of his iced tonic from its tumbler.

"Gerrit' down ya love" he chimed. "It'll do ya good" and he gave her a warm smile which she returned bashfully, sipping a little bit more.

He knew in the back of his mind he should get straight to the point and tell her that they needed to end whatever chemistry they had between them before it had properly got started. However, looking across at her relaxed and so overtly feminine, her face made up with subtle effort, lined eyes and pink lips, her perfumed scent enveloping him in a fantasy rose garden, he couldn't do it just yet. So he engrossed himself in her and her conversation, hanging onto her every word like he did so often in the office, chuckling at bizarre stories she told of holidays abroad with her siblings.

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