Chapter 5

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The church bells chimed three times as loud and methodical as the familiar echo of wartime gunfire and Alfie jolted awake, his heart racing. He didn't think he would ever get used to that type of wake up call, as the brass beauties rang out to signal the start of the working day in Camden. It always dragged him abruptly from his restless slumber that was usually full of trenches and stenches and death. The war would never leave him, and he knew why soldiers would rather leave the world than continue to remember the war they witnessed on it.

He squinted against the sunrise forcing its way through his dusty curtains and hitting him directly in the eyes. He rubbed them in a groggy stupor, knowing if he opened them fully it was sure to blind him and so he turned over, groaning.
Eventually he got up, stumbling to the washroom where his steel bucket full of stale piss sat ready and waiting for more of the same. As he held his partially stiffened cock in one hand, struggling to point it downward into the bucket for the stop and go stream of urination, he placed his spare hand against the brick wall in front of him and let out a contented sigh at the release.
The stench from his secretions was getting a little overpowering and it reminded him that he really needed to hire a new maid to take care of the domestic duties he didn't have time for.
It was normal for most households with money to have a live-in maid but Alfie had never liked the idea of welcoming a woman into his living quarters, even if she was only there to clean up after him. He was private, and independent and he just liked to be alone.
His previous maids had never lived in house but instead been bequeathed a working schedule: What time to come in, and what time to fuck off. But now the dust and dishes were building up and he mentally reminded himself to mention it to Bennet. He knew if he requested him to source a capable maid that cooked and cleaned, but who also conveniently looked like a pigs arse, he would find him one within the hour. He didn't want a beauty queen distracting him at home since he'd just hired the equivalent at the bakery.

The previous two maids he had had to dismiss because of their easy willingness to submit to his sleazy advances. Always willing, always desperate for his affection, even if it meant ruining their reputations for a fumble under the sheets they got paid to launder.
He never understood why women got so attached so quickly. By all means he had given them a warm invitation to suck his cock, but it didn't mean they could climb fully into his bed afterwards and make themselves at home. They always thought that was what it meant, and he hated to tell them otherwise so he usually just dismissed them. He felt guilty, but not enough to keep his dick in his pants the next time he fancied the look of a girl in an apron.

Alfie liked to sleep alone, always. He'd never let a woman stay the night. If he was drunk, or placated, after a good romp, be it with a lady or a whore or in fact a maid, he would still kiss them goodbye like a gentleman and then depart like a brute. That ideology had proved to be a problem when they were an employee, be it of office or home. Home was where the heart was after all, But he didn't have any heart to offer them. He liked to think he always showed a certain level of respect to a lady's face, and he stayed away from the Jewish kind completely, he'd never laid with a single one as a rule, but the kind of lady Alfie usually laid with, well, they weren't ladies, and they just passed the time. He'd never even been close to making one a permanent fixture.


Alfie attended work with little over five minutes to spare. The line of mill workers was thick and he bustled past them in his long black dress coat and hat with the keys jingling from their chain.
The grumble of the crowd softened when they saw him, as he passed them all to reach the main door, where Bennet stood waiting for him obediently. Alfie trusted no one to open up the Bakery, and since he was usually always last minute with everything in his life, Bennet had learnt to get there early and placate the workers until he decided to show up.

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