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"We got to leave! The unknown person knows our location!" Pyper whispered incase the anonymous person was watching.

Pyper ran upstairs into her room and turned on all of the lights. She was afraid of the dark.

She unzipped a large, dark blue suitcase. She quickly packed every last outfit in it.

"Hurry!" Nina screamed.

Nina opened the door, but it was closed shut. She attempted to open it again, but it was like somebody was pushing it shut.

She tried again but then when she gave up, the anonymous person opened the door. She heard a small creak.

"Pyper!" Nina was about to say, until she realized that the unknown person could hear ever word she said.

Nina ran upstairs and hid beneath Sara's bed. She already knew that the anonymous person was in. She heard him/her come up the stairs.

She took a deep breath and cried.

"I'm dead."

The anonymous person finally found her.

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