Chapter XV

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"Hi! Sorry I'm late," you said as you bowed to Baek Soo. Baek Soo had invited you over to her house. She said she wanted to thank you for always being there for her son when he needed it. So out of respect, you agreed to come, but didn't forget to tell Taehyung as well.

Baek Soo welcomed you in, as the meal was freshly served. It was around 25 dishes as the table was filled to its brim. Juices and drinks of different types rested in the middle as one of the waiters poured you a glass of champagne.

"I just wanted to thank you personally for helping my son with his project," she began as she sipped on her wine.

"No problem, it's my job," you told her humbly. You sipped on your champagne and put it down. It was strong for its kind, but sweet at the same time. It was so addicting, you unconsciously drank the drink like a normal side dish along with your meal.

"So, have you ever thought of Taehyung as anything more than your boss?" she suddenly asked, almost catching you off guard. You smiled softly, wiped your mouth and replied.

"Taehyung and I are different and don't have any similarities," you began as you slyly lied to her, "We only talk about business, so I've never wasted my time getting involved in those-"

You suddenly stopped at the feeling of the sharp pain in your stomach. Baek Soo looked up at you at why you stopped and looked a bit concerned.

"Is your stomach hurting?" she asked.

"Yea, it-," you stopped mid sentence. The concern on her face was wiped by a malicious grin, "How did you know?". Baek Soo just smirked, she stood up from her seat, walked over to you and placed her hand over your shoulder.

"In 15 minutes, you'll start have trouble breathing too," she said circling your chair. Your eyes widened like as you couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"What do you mean?" you breathed out heavily.

"That champagne was made especially for you," she laughed, "You really thought I was going to treat you well. I'm sorry, but this world is just full of lies, including you."

You suddenly felt so scared; you wanted to cry out so loud. You secretly pulled out your phone but it was snatched away by the maid as she put it in her pocket.

"You wanted to call someone?" Baek Soo asked gently tracing her finger along your chin, "It's too early to leave isn't it? Let's enjoy a bit more."

You stood up from your seat and before you even took a step, you collapsed. Suddenly all the muscles in your legs and arms were feeling numb and you couldn't move.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that you'll start losing control of your muscles," Baek Soo told you. She was right, you couldn't move them as much as you wanted to. Tears welled up in your eyes as you suddenly thought of your mom. You didn't have strength to sit as you plopped on the floor and breathed for air.

"Mom," you whispered softly as a tear rolled down your cheek and on the cold hard floor.

"Mom? Ha! If only you knew who she was, boy would you be crying," Baek Soo laughed as she pulled a chair and sat beside your dying body.

"Park Seohyun, is your adoptive mom," she told the obvious.

"I know," you whispered.

"Do you know who your real mom is then?" Baek Soo asked, leaning closer to you before whispering, "Kim-Ha-Ri."

Your eyes widened as Baek Soo spelled out the syllables. You thought of it before, but didn't expect it to be real. Baek Soo laughed as she whipped her hair to her left and crossed her legs.

"It's still funny reading those articles of how devastated people were when they found out she died. Kim Ha Ri this, Kim Ha Ri that! Did they really think it was fate?" she laughed at herself as she sipped on her red wine.

"I killed her," Baek Soo hissed to you with her bloody lips stained from the wine, "'The brakes failed to function', ha! I personally ripped the cords out and adjusted both the brakes and gas pedal to stop working when the car reaches 50m/per hour. I still don't know how you survived, but here you are today, and I'm going to finish what I started and kill you."

You wanted to call a police, you wanted to jump and pounce on her, and you wanted to twist her neck off her head with your bare hands. She killed your mother and now she wanted to kill you.

"That bitch stole my man, my company and even my pride. It was only right to pay her back 10 folds of what she did to me. Then with her out of the picture, I finally took my husband back, my company and now I have a wonderful son that I won't let you try to get your hands on."

 You wiggled as hard as you could and screamed on the top of your lungs freaking Baek Soo out. She stepped on your back with her heal, "You leech. How dare you try to crawl into our company and start a civil war?"

 Suddenly the doorbell rang.

It was Jinyoung; he wanted to ask Baek Soo how the sales were going. What he didn't know was, his sister was dying inside. As soon as he rang the bell, Baek Soo's heart sank. Her hair stood on its ends as she walked to the front door to see Jinyoung holding a bottle of liquor.

"Baek Soo's not here," her maid told Jinyoung. He looked confused as he looked at the driveway to see Baek Soo's shiny black Mercedes.

"Are you sure? Her car's here," he said as he pointed to it.

"She went out on a-" the maid was cut off with your sharp scream. You didn't want to waste the chance for someone to notice you were in trouble. Even if it was the pizza men, land lord or even by chance the pest control, you wanted to be heard.

Jinyoung's eyes widened with shock and fury as he began to realize there was something going on.

"Let me in," he demanded as he began to push the door open. The maid used all her strength to push him out, but failed when Jinyoung came storming into the house and toward the large dining room. There Baek Soo sat still with her cup of wine and a piece of steak in her fork.

"Oh! Jinyoung-ah what brings you here?" she asked pretending to be surprised. She stood up and greeted him.

Jinyoung was still suspicious. He knew all too well that Baek Soo was an evil person, not to mention she was accused 5 years ago of trying to kill her own sister. Jinyoung sat as Baek Soo offered him, but continued to scan the room for anything suspicious.

Baek Soo noticed how suspicious Jinyoung was, and eye signaled the maids to check on you and make sure you wouldn't be heard. Baek Soo wasn't going to let Jinyoung ruin her plan, as she planned to have you die and buried far away from Busan as possible. She had already hired a van to carry your dead body and drop you far away and into the Pacific Ocean. Where were you?

As soon as Jinyoung rang the bell, the maids had carried you to the secret underground basement, which was meant to be soundproof. It was Taehyung's old music room when he was a teen, but now a key factor of the plan to murder you. Baek Soo was going to get rid of you, and now that she had you in her custody, nothing was going to stop her.

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