Chapter VIII

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[Word Count: 986]

"I appreciate your will to help us on my project," Taehyung appreciated the CEO of Hwang Corps.

Your meeting with Hwang Corps was a complete success. He had agreed to bring his models and a couple of his best makeup artist for your fashion show on behalf of Mrs. Kim, who was a great student of his. The competition was told to 'Most Magazine' and they accepted the challenge, things were going perfectly.

"If you don't mind," the CEO began as he walked closer to Taehyung to put his hand on his shoulder. You looked at Taehyung as he signaled you to wait for him outside. You bowed as you walked out of the meeting room. You bowed at the security guard and made your way to the roof which was the next floor as you waited for Taehyung.

You were proud that things were finally working out. You sat in the chair as you breathed in the cool air. You didn't like Taehyung's mom from the start, and working at her company just made you harder for you not to punch her in the face for firing you before.

"What are you doing?" you heard a light voice say behind you. You turned around quickly only to see Lily, Baek Soo's assistant. What was she doing here? Lily had actually followed you and Taehyung to see where your project was going. She was going to report everything back to Baek Soo who had sent her in the first place.

Lily didn't like you from the start either. She didn't like you for making Baek Soo worried, or the fact that you looked like Kim Ha Ri, Baek Soo's fake best friend, who she ended up marrying her husband when she died. Anger slowly raged in her as the sight of you made her want to throw you off the building. In fact, that's exactly why she was here.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing," you asked her crossing your arms at her.

Your attitude bothered her, and she cringed at you before she came charging at you like a bull. She pushed you against the brick wall, bringing her hands to your neck and slowly squeezing you.

"W-what are you doing," you wheezed as you tried to untangle her hand from your neck. You choked in her grasp and at the same moment, Taehyung had finished his little conversation with the CEO and walked out to look for you. Fortunately, the security guard told him you were at the roof, as Taehyung walked his way up the stairs.

"I dislike you so much," Lily hissed at you, "so much I have no fear throwing you off this building."

Your life flashed right before your eyes as you felt your heart beat decrease as she choked you, her nails digging into your throat. Your eyes battered lifelessly as the words she said went from your right ear and out of the left. You loosened your grasp and your legs began to give out.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

You slowly opened your eyes at the sound, as you looked around you. You licked your dry lips and tilted your head to see your surroundings. You were in the hospital. You crossed your eyebrows and suddenly remembered why you were here. Lily, she almost chocked you to death.

Just then a nurse came in with a booklet and a pen as she sat beside your bed. She checked your temperature and took notes on your condition.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the nurse began as she looked at you from her book, "we need to report your condition to your guardian. But it seems like your medical history hasn't been updated ever since you moved here to Busan, so I wanted to make sure if your adoptive mother who's written here is your current guardian or if you're independent."

You tilted your head still not fully conscious, but your eyes widened and you suddenly sat down from your position when you heard the 8 letter word.

"A-adop-tive," you stammered as your jaws dropped and eyes widened. The nurse cursed under her breathe realizing you were never told as she bit her bottom lip and slowly closed her book.

How was she your adoptive mom? You were with her ever since you could remember. She even had your baby pics and videos and you two even looked alike. But then again, you always ignored the memory of your mother taking you to court when you were little, and how people always visited your house to check on your living condition.

You laid back in bed, and you didn't know what to do. Tears rolled down the side of your face and behind your ear lobe and you laid their confused and flustered. Hours later, you were discharged from the hospital, alone, since you told them you were independent. It was 3 a.m when you were pushed on a wheel chair and into a taxi. The taxi took you home and as soon as you got home, you plopped in your chair, and before you knew, you were crying your lungs off. Why?

You felt betrayed, hurt and most importantly, immature. If your mother thought you were matured, she would have told you, but no, instead you lived a lie your whole 21 years of life. Your eyes were dark and swollen as you stood up to make your way to your room. You pulled your drawer and pulled out a photo album.

You collapsed on the cold hard floor and turned the pages of the album as you looked at pictures of you and your mom. You two went way back, how could you be adopted. It wasn't possible. You prayed for it to not be true as you clutched the album in your arms and laid on the bare floor. You prayed for it to be a dream.

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