Chapter 4

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Percy POV

It was past curfew and Andromeda snuck out, I began following her, and I saw her with a boy I faintly remember, then they kissed, I remember feeling rage, and I said "Ahem, Andromeda, Draco" yeah I remembered his name Andromeda was silently fuming at me and Draco looked scared, "Percy, Why are you here? " Andromeda asked me, " you were past curfew, Andy, you didn't think I would follow you, " she just glared at me and I glare back, so I decided to scold her, "You're grounded Andy, back to bed now" she just sighed and went to her room,  I looked at Draco and said "you are not allowed to see her, Understand? " he looked at me and said "Yes sir! " before saluting and going back to the Slytherin dorms, I sighed, but I had to do it,

---I am Time, I revived my sister Skip---

Thalia POV

I looked at the girl in front of me, Hermione Granger, she seemed smart enough, although a bit.....lovesick for Harry Potter, the Hero in this school, I once told her to just straight up confess, but she seems nervous

Hermione POV

I looked over to Harry, The chosen one, my crush, it feels weird to like someone, He went to me and told me, "Granger, I need to tell you something" My heart started to flutter I blushed and said " What is it Harry? "
"I-i-i I like you Hermione, you're pretty and smart and-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips, " I like you too"

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