Chapter 3

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Hazel POV

When we were dismissed, we were given a guest room in the Gryffindor dorms, I quickly let my mind think of Frank, when Nico walked in my room and told me "Haze, it's been an hour, it's dinnertime" I quickly smiled at him and followed him, where the rest of them were pushing their food around, I saw Andromeda sigh and stood up, whispering something to Dumbledore, everyone's eyes were on her and then we finally got to sacrifice a part of our food to the gods, the boy, Ron, quickly said "Bloody hell mates, why'd Ya waste the food?  I mean-" but he was cut off by Thalia "it's our religion boy" she spat out, making every boy wary of her, we continued eating, feeling stares behind our backs, until Percy couldn't handle it anymore, "PLEASE GO BACK TO YOUR FOOD AND NOT STARING AT US" He said making a few Guilty of staring at us,

---I am the Ghost of Skip, murdered by Time---

After all that we decided to go to classes, we had Defense against the Dark Arts first, And The teacher was none other than Chiron, In an Incognito of Mr. Brunner,  he taught the wizards the art of sword fighting and us too, A blond haired Slytherin male was eyeing up Andromeda, and she constantly blushes under his gaze, does Andromeda have a crush on someone?

---I am Time, Sorry for killing Skip---

Andromeda POV

I, Andromeda Peyton Jackson, had a crush on someone, Percy is gonna be hysterical if he hears about it, I know he likes me too...... His name is Draco Malfoy, and he kissed me on the corridors

I was walking down the corridor when I bumped into him, He looked at me and his eyes twinkled, I blushed, we met before at a beach in New York, I've had a crush on him ever since, He told me "You know Andro, Ever since I met you at the beach, I've had a crush on you, " I told him I liked him back and we kissed, I felt a spark and I know he felt it too, We stopped because the bell rang and we would be late for class, when I was leaving I saw him give me a wink and I gave him a shy smile
~Flashback over~

I was busy daydreaming that Thalia had to shock me and now we're fighting, This is why I love my family so much (Gotta love Sarcasm)

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