Shuddering, I made a mental note to avoid her and save myself from death. OK that is quite OVER but can you blame me?

Suddenly, someone knocked my shoulder and my bag fell on the floor with my things scattering in the process.


It's been...I don't know how long but I still couldn't find the damn office!

A door banged loudly in some place near and I flinched. Footsteps filled the hall as I continue to walk. Turning to a corner, boys trapped me in their circle and I was stricken in fear.

"What do we have here? A beauty?" One guy ran his hand in my face and I pulled it from his touch.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed.

"Do you think she'll do? That other babe is hard to get. Even got a bruise in the process" another said while one chuckled.

" you found another play thing? I thought detention is enough for you" an oddly deep but female voice spoke and all tensed.

"I thought the teacher said clearly that we are going to the detention room, proves you guys are too dumb to understand" the guys parted as they turn towards her and my mouth opened in shock...the dominant.

"What are you doing here?" One hissed but it's obvious he's afraid along with the others...even me of course.

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