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"Xiumin?" Chen called, in search for his boyfriend.

He didn't hear a response, and started to get worried. Chen checked the kitchen and the living room, hoping he was around somewhere.

Chen turned the corner, to see a little window seat with a familiar back facing him, a little blanket wrapped around his shoulders and looking out the window.

Chen came up, and sat beside Xiumin, whom didn't seem surprised. He wasn't paying attention to Chen either, his gaze locked on the outside world, seeming to be analyzing things.

"Xiumin?" Chen said softly, hoping to draw his attention. This worked, and Xiumin turned his head to look at Chen.

A small smile graced his lips. "I'm Xiumin. " he replied softly, with the smallest hint of uncertainty.

"Yes. You're Xiumin. And I love you. " Chen leaned forwards and kissed his nose, pulling back with a little smile.

"I love you too. " Xiumin replied, his expression stayed the same, and he turned to look back out the window.

Chen looked the opposite direction, closing his eyes. He wasn't used to it just yet, how things had changed. When was it now? Two years ago? It felt longer. It felt like an eternity.

It didn't feel the same. Sitting in silence was always comfortable with Xiumin.

The real Xiumin.


Chen was full out, gut wrenching sobbing.

Grasping onto his hand, his cold, lifeless hand.

"Y-You said you... Would come back, that you were okay," Chen's voice broke, but not nearly as much as his heart did. "You said you didn't want me to be alone.... Yo-... You were supposed to love me forever... You promised me... "

He could have been asleep, that's how it looked like. His lips still slightly curled as if he was smiling, the perfect feline like eyes closed softly letting his eye lashes rest on his cheeks. He looked pale, even more so than the last time Chen had seen him.

Chen used his hand that wasn't holding onto Xiumins soft hand to cup the side of his face, half expecting it to feel warm, and to see his eyes flutter open and to see him smile.

That didn't happen.

Instead he was icy feeling, and entirely unresponsive. What Chen would have given to see him smile again. To laugh. Even if he were to complain about the untidiness of the kitchen, or how Chen always left the bed unmade because he knew it made Xiumin nag at him about how annoying it was.

Slowly, yet without hesitation, Chen leaned forth and delicately pressed his forehead to Xiumins, closing his eyes in the silence that overcame him.

His hot tears rolled down his face, the pain of loss and mourning stinging like a jagged knife in his chest.


Chen sighed, looking back at Xiumin, still with a lost expression while looking outside the window.

It was hard to see him this way. But what would he have done without him? This was better then nothing, then what it was.

"Want to go on a walk, Xiu?" Chen suggested, pulling the older from his slight trance.

Xiumin nodded. "I would love to," He responded, turning around and sliding off the window sill and standing with stiff movements.

Chen followed suit, getting to his feet before lightly taking Xiumins hand and tugging him along to the front door. For a brief moment Chen's eyes went to the ground, brushing his thumb on the backside of Xiumins smooth hand.

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